Page 35 of Entwined Souls

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“No, take-backs. Besides, we are far more advanced than the whole crush stage. Right?”

“If you say so.”

“Oh, I say so all right.” He grabbed me under my arms and dragged me up to his seriously kissable lips. Then he laid one on me, and I almost forgot what we were talking about. But just as fast as the kiss started, it was over.

“As much as I want to keep doing that, I want to hear the rest.” And so, I settled back across his chest and continued.

“You know how much the girls mean to me, and how close we have always been. You let us hang around you, took us places, and were so nice to us all. I hated when you left, just as Alley did, but it is amazing what you were doing and have done.”

“Thanks, that means a lot coming from you, beautiful.”

“I’m glad. I guess I should get to the part about my comment earlier. It’s not easy for me to tell. Let me start by saying during your time away I didn’t get much into the whole dating thing, and later there weren’t really a lot of men. I don’t trust easily and I’ve never felt a connection strong enough to make me want to take that leap. I finally let my guard down once as I told you before and tried, but it didn’t really feel right, and I haven’t been interested again or had the time. But you changed all that again for me the night I walked into the club. Only, now I’m still scared I will never live up to what you would want for your future. It’s something I struggle with a lot.”

Caressing my arm softly, Braxton said, “Tell me, Jurnee, I swear it will be okay.”

“You can’t know that, Braxton. I mean, you say that now, but could change your mind when you hear, or even later on.”

“I won’t, let me show you.”

“It may not be a hundred percent, but the likelihood that I will be able to have kids is slim. The cancer, the treatment, and what my body went through could have taken that chance away from me, and I’m terrified. And sad, because I know someone I meet may want their own kids. As much as I would love that chance to have a baby and experience all of that someday, I have no problem adopting because I know how many kids out there need a home. How many need to be loved. But that doesn’t mean that the person I end up with will feel the same.”

“Jurnee, first let me say that you met the one, it’s not someone you will meet, youhavemet him.” A growl erupted from his mouth. “I’m right here in front of you and there will not be anyone else.”

Wow,possessive much?I should be mad, but it was kinda sexy and sweet.

“Second,” he continued, “you're the most amazing woman I have ever met, and any child would be lucky to have you as their mother, however they come into your life. And last, what you said doesn’t make me want to run, it makes me want to hold on even harder. If the time comes for us, I will gladly adopt all the kids you could ever want and be thrilled and so happy to be doing it with you.”

“Dimples, you're it for me. I have never been in love, but I am now. You're my everything.”

A tidal wave of tears rushed forward and down my cheeks. I couldn’t get any words out. I was crying too hard. I glued my body to his and got as close as I could, trying to convey just how much what he said meant to me until I could calm down. Minutes passed and Braxton just held me and waited. Finally, I settled enough to talk again.

“I have never been in love either, but I am glad that my first time is with you. I hope it’s the last, but I’m petrified, Brax. I have lost so much in my life, but I don’t think I could handle losing you.”

“Not going to happen, Dimples, you’re mine. Now, forever, and always.”

“I like the sound of that.” The emotional journey I had just taken, knocked me out and I fell fast asleep in Braxton’s arms once more.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I can’t stop staringat her.

Not able to fall asleep, I laid with Jurnee in my arms and gazed at her, peacefulness washing over her features as she rested. It was a welcome change to the sadness I saw in her just a short time before. However, she may have found it creepy if she’d woken up and caught me, but I still couldn’t stop myself. The early morning sun shone through the bedroom window, the light catching on her face. How had I gotten so lucky? And with that thought, the beauty herself awoke.Damn, she’s pretty.

“Braxton,” she whispered, sleepily. “Why are you looking at me like that?

“Can’t help myself, Dimples.”

“You're silly. Shouldn’t we get up?” she said a little shyly.

“If you say so, let's get cleaned up. After you.” I pointed toward the bathroom. She rolled off me but hesitated. I leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the mouth.

“Last one there is a rotten egg.” I playfully chanted at her.

Then tossing the covers back and jumped off the bed. As if the hounds of hell were on my heels, I ran in all my naked glory toward the shower.

Jurnee gasped, then giggled, a second before the bed creaked and her footsteps followed me. Next thing I knew she was right next to me, with a sheet wrapped around her body like a toga.
