Page 39 of Entwined Souls

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Braxton: Love you, Jurnee.

Jurnee: Love you too, Brax.

I released a sigh and flopped back on my horde of pillows, with my phone clutched to my chest.

Damn the man, always making me emotional.

Things had progressed fast with Braxton and me, but I didn’t think we always had a choice about who, or when we fell in love. So, I was going to cherish that feeling and hope that it blossomed into something beautiful. Even if those worries of minedidrear their ugly heads from time to time.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Muddlingaround the house trying to get things done, the scent of her cherry essence filled my nostrils, making me miss her presence that much more. One night was all it took, and I wanted her here forever.

I’d bought this home for a couple of reasons. Ones that I hadn’t shared with Jurnee yet, and after last night, I was a little afraid to do that. Growing up in the house Alley and I had lived in with our parents was not a child’s dream—it certainly hadn’t been mine. We didn’t have much money and my parents, if you could call them that, didn’t care at all about it, not as long as they had enough for their recreational vices. They didn't care about us either, for that matter. For me, it wasn’t about the money though; it was the lack of love they showed their children and how we were treated as a result. We could have been the poorest people around, but if we had been cared for, and loved as two little kids should’ve, then it would have been okay somehow.

That wasn’t the case at all.

This brings me back to the reasons I got the house. First of all, I could afford it, and not having a real home early on, I guess I needed to prove I could have it now, and someday provide for a family the way my parents hadn’t. And that I had accomplished it all on my own, without their support, help, or direction. I had saved every penny I could while I was in the military, but I had also made some great investments. Ones that had paid off immensely, and allowed for me to buy my home, and also start the business. Second, I wanted a place Alley always could come to if she ever needed it. Then third, was the one I was afraid to confess to Jurnee because I didn’t want to see any more sorrow in those pretty brown eyes of hers, but the truth was, I wanted to fill it with a wife and kids. It was my main thought when I’d purchased the place, even if I didn’t have a clue when such a dream might happen. Jurnee took me by storm though and surprised me, and I was already thinking about making it happen. With her, I could do this the right way.

My parents had shown me everything not to do.

And after hearing about Jurnee’s childhood I knew she desperately wanted the same, but wrongfully thought she would ever get that. Thinking she couldn’t have biological children and being scared to put herself out there, for fear the cancer would come back, terrified her. But the possibility that even adoption would be difficult really dug deep.

One thing I knew for certain was that I didn’t care how I came about getting the family I dreamed of—I just knew I wanted it with her. If she could never get pregnant, we would adopt and wouldn’t love those children any less than if she’d given birth to them herself. I wasn’t sure she’d believe me when I told her all this, but I planned to anyway.

I would just have to make her understand because she was it for me.

Also at the forefront of my mind was how important Embry was to her. All the kids atHopeful Jurneewere, but she’d explained the bond she and the little beauty had with each other. If I could convince her to let me help, and the time ever came that Embrycouldbe adopted, then I was going to do everything in my power to make sure those two ended up together.

My thoughts and feelings were fierce, they may also have happened sooner than some could comprehend, but as I said before when I know what I want I go for it. My mind wandered to Jurnee, Embry, and everything else as I finished up around the house, and I was thankful to see that it was time to get ready so I could pick up my lady.

After picking up Jurnee, we headed to dinner and were seated at one of her favorite places. Sitting across from me, which was too far away for my liking, she stared at the menu. No matter how many times I saw her, she got more beautiful each and every time.

She was everything.

Just looking at her had my groin coming to life. While I adjusted myself a bit and hoped nobody noticed me doing so, I must have made a noise.

Jurnee looked up, eyes sparkling, cheeks flushed pink as if she knew exactly what was going on. No doubt she did, because it seemed to always happen when she was near me. Not commenting, she looked back down at the menu, a knowing smile on her beautiful face. I loved seeing it and that dimple on her chin. Every time I saw either, my face lit up and my hand itched to touch her there.

“So, babe, do I even have to ask what you're having? You know darn good and well that you're getting the taco combo, it’s the same thing you did the last few times we came and you said you’re kinda boring and never change it up. But, just for the record, I don’t think you're boring at all. I mean you were the one slapping my ass last night were you not?” Giving her a sexy smirk, I prepared myself for what would come next.

Looking back up again, it was obvious she was shocked as shit I had said that, but then she bunched up her napkin and tossed it in my face. Laughing aloud, I had everyone in the restaurant turning to look our way. I didn’t care one bit, I loved the playful side of Jurnee. In fact, I loved everything about her.

“Fine, be a smartass. I will have my usual. And for the record that was me who smacked your very fine behind, and I’d gladly do it again.” Then she had given me her own sassy look, and fuck it was sexy.

“I thought so and I will be looking forward to it,” I said, laughing once again.

We ate, talked about work, and what we had coming up. I planned to spend as much time with her as I could, schedules permitting. A thought popped into my head, but I worried rushing things would send her running for the hills. My mouth, however, didn’t get the memo, and the words popped out before I could stop them.

“If you lived with me, we could see each other a lot more.” Saying it aloud, I knew it was what I wanted, but I also didn’t want to make Jurnee uncomfortable. Her fork clattered to her plate and her mouth fell open, but unlike me seconds ago, no words came out. Amid the silence, I decided to just let her think for a minute, and not rush her, because I was curious about what she had going through her head. And even though I may not like the answer she gave, I was going to listen to her.

A few minutes passed and finally, Jurnee spoke. “You were just kidding, right?”

“Jurnee…” I started to speak and shook my head no as I answered her question at the same time. “I would not say something of that magnitude and not mean it. I know it’s fast, but if you said yes, I would be damn lucky.”

Again, with the fish face. I was trying not to laugh, but she looked stunned and so damn cute. Worrying she really was going to make a mad dash for the door, I needed to reassure her of how I felt, but that I also wasn’t going anywhere, no matter what her choice was.
