Page 40 of Entwined Souls

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“I meant what I said, babe, but I’m not rushing you either. I would love nothing more than to have you in my space. That house was made for a family.” Shit, now those words were going to cause her to coil back up and hide. I saw her start to close down the moment they’d left my lips. I didn’t mean for them to have the direct hit they did, but I could see what she was thinking, along with how her heart was bleeding. We needed to get out of here and talk.

Quickly asking for the check and paying, I slid out of the booth and put out my hand to a silent Jurnee. Even stunned and unsure, she grabbed it, which made me feel marginally better. It was time we had that heart to heart I mentioned earlier. Then she could determine what she was ready for and where things were going.

In the end, I would be there no matter what.


A family. He said the house was meant for a family. Something I more than likely couldn’t give him. I may not have known this exactly, but the chances were slim that I would be able to. Between that and the possibility that the cancer could one day return, it was time I turned, and quickly walked away.

It will kill me to let him go.

We walked toward the park that was close by, which brought back memories of our first date. Tears formed in my eyes and I was helpless to stop them from spilling over. Braxton never let go of my hand, and I wanted to keep mine in his forever, so I would never lose him. I wasn’t sure I could handle seeing him when he was around Alley, possibly with another woman, and knowing it could have been my life if things had been different.

Coming to a stop near a wooden bench that had seen better days, and one I wasn’t sure would even hold us, Braxton sat and pulled me down beside him. He turned his body toward mine and using his free hand, he gently cupped my face and turned mine, so I was looking straight into his hypnotic eyes.

“Please don’t cry,” he whispered, as his thumbs caressed my cheeks. “I can’t stand to see the tears. We need to talk about this, and I want you to hear me out first, okay?”

Nodding my head, because I couldn’t speak over the lump of pain in my throat, he carried on.

“Don’t think, let all the worries fade for just a minute and just tell me straight up, is the idea of living with me so bad? I know it’s fast and I realize we just reconnected on a completely different level than what we’d known before. But based on how you feel about me right now, what would your answer be?”

A whispered, “Yes,” slid around my clogged emotions. “But—” I was cut off from going any further when Braxton placed a finger over my trembling lips.

“No buts. Your heart just told me the answer I wanted to hear, and I think we should talk about that. Being scared is natural, and I know you have your reasons, but baby, it will be okay no matter what. I will do everything I can to make you happy. You just have to let me try.”

This was crazy talk.

“You don’t know that,” I blurted out a little frantically. “How can you know that? You just said that the amazing home you bought was made for a family and you heard what I told you last night.” More tears fell down my cheeks and my heart cracked into tiny pieces at my words.

“We talked about this a little last night.” Gathering her up, I pulled her into my lap, needing her as close as possible. “I know you're scared and unsure what the future will bring when it comes to kids, but I’m not. Whatever is right will happen for us, and I have never in my life felt like this, and I want to take these steps with you.Onlyyou.”

How can I say yes truly? Knowing what he would potentially be risking. But I want to so desperately.

I wasn’t sure I would ever find my way back,breadcrumbs be damned. Not that I truly wanted to. This is what I’d wanted forever, and somehow, I needed to take the leap. It may be a long fall, but this next journey for me could end up being my happily ever after.

Who could give that up, right?

Wait, am I seriously considering this?

A frustrated sound left my mouth as the kiss came to an end. I wanted more. The slight breeze in the air had his scent swirling around us as his hand gently caressed my cheek. His other had never left mine but had pulled our joined ones up over his heart.

“Do you feel that, Dimples? If the pounding you feel under the palm of your hand is any indication of just how right we are, and how much you mean to me, then leap with me.”

Wow, was he reading my mind now? Wasn’t I just thinking that leaping was exactly what I needed to do? I just hoped the girls would understand.

It was time for this little one to leave the nest.

“I want to try.” I was sure how I felt about this man, even if I were unsure what would come of it.

“Really, you’ll move in with me?”

“Brax, I’ve loved you since I was twelve-years-old. I know that at that age it was just a crush and that I didn’t understand what true love was. What I did know was what an amazing brother you were, along with a great friend, and overall a nice guy. What I feel now is totally different than what I did back then, and I love you more today than that little girl knew was even possible. So, yes, I want to move in with you. Just let me talk to the girls because it's a big adjustment.”

He quickly dropped my hand, jumped up from the bench, and plucked me up too. Spinning me around in circles, with a whoop, I tried not to get dizzy. Laughing with glee like a crazy-sounding hyena, I soaked up the feel of what being around Braxton would bring to my daily life.

With my decision made, now I just had to tell the girls. Not to mention, figuring out exactly what living with a man meant. We stopped twirling, and our eyes met.

“You have made me the happiest man in the world. Plus, now I get a lot of dessert.” He had the nerve to give me one of his sexy winks. What was a girl to do?
