Page 41 of Entwined Souls

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Duh, I attacked his mouth.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


This was goingto be hard.

I’d asked the girls if we could talk tonight after everyone got home. I was spending the day attending a special event at the hospital in the cancer wing. Then I planned to go by Braxton’s work to finally check out his and Gyth’s place, before heading off toHopeful Jurneeto check on a few things before I would have time to sit down with my besties. I had a feeling that by the time I was done, I was going to be emotionally spent. The one awesome thing in today’s events was that Brax had asked to come with me to the hospital. He wanted to see that part of my world, and it made me happy inside that he did.

But leaving the house the girls and I have had together for so long, would be bittersweet. I would miss them so damn much and yet I was practically bouncing like a crazy ball at the prospect of moving into Braxton’s place. One night and I was already over the moon in love with him, the house, and the idea of what our future could hold. Although, the love had always been there in some form or another.

Please let it be okay.

Alley and Summer didn’t know what I wanted to chat about, and I wasn’t sure if they had an inkling of a clue, but I hoped they wouldn’t think I was one hundred percent crazy for moving so fast.Like, strap me in astraitjacketand toss me into a padded room kind of crazy. Growing up sick, lonely, abandoned, and sad, taught me two things that truly contradict one another. First, it taught me to never expect anything or assume life would bring me happiness, that heartache was just around the corner, and to be cautious. Second, life could be short and you didn’t know how long you had, so don’t hold back and wait, just jump into the deep end with both feet. Happiness is what you make it.

Anyone who knew me well was aware that the two were always at war with one another in my life. I had done both, but this time I wasn’t just jumping cautiously. This time, I was doing a huge cannonball off the board, straight into the deepest end of the pool of life.

And I prayed I’d come up for air.

Heading out the door, I didn’t bother to pop in on Alley, or she may throw something at me. She was in the middle of edits on her book and I knew better than to step foot in her space during that time. The girl drank a shit load of coffee, was always talking to herself and when she began each round of edits she had to buy a new stress ball because the one before was worn out. This was one of her least favorite aspects of her career. Although, she’d probably also say that writing her blurb was a close second.

As I walked to the car, I took a deep breath of fresh, crispy morning air. It wasn’t super cold, but there was a slight chill still and a few sprinkles of rain coming down. It was a good thing I had thrown on a light jacket. Jumping in my cute Mazda, which probably could’ve used a trade-in even though I didn’t want to part with it, I cracked the window, started the engine, and took off towards the hospital. Brax was meeting me there. I was curious about how he would act around the ill kids. Some people were great, and others didn’t know how to act around the little ones at all.

For the children, it was all about someone who cared and wanted to spend time with them. Their pale little faces as sick as they were, still lit up every time, showing the happiness that it brought to them.

When I got there, the place was hopping with people, buzzing around this way and that. Staff were everywhere, and kids indulged in some treats they didn’t get very often these days while playing games all over the spacious room where everything was set up.

There had recently been some very substantial donations to the children’s cancer center that allowed for some remodeling, new equipment, and some upgrades that were needed to care for the children better. It was amazing to not only witness it happen but to be a part of it all. And today, the kids were getting their own little mini carnival to celebrate.

I jumped right in helping with anything I could and playing with the kids. Parents and siblings of sick little ones had taken a little time off work or school, to spend this time with their family members. It was a beautiful sight to see.

Even if it was a tad bit sad.

Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be happier for every child there because I knew they had the love and support they needed right now. I had witnessed that day in and day out while volunteering, the devotion that their families had to taking care of them, and just being present. It was just that sometimes I couldn’t escape the flashback to my time in the hospital where I’d needed that same love and care too, but had never got it.

If I was ever lucky enough to have children someday, I knew deep down in my soul I would never abandon them, always support them in any situation, and that I would love them to the moon and back.

With that thought, a sweet little angel's face appeared in my mind. I swear I heard a light whisper, and her name tickled my ear.Embry...

Then my attention from that thought was pulled as my body tingled with awareness and I turned slightly to see Brax headed my way. I should’ve been jealous that all the nurses seemed to notice him too, but I couldn’t really blame them. He was wearing black jeans, with another fitted t-shirt—God I love witnessing his sculpted chest even through his shirt—and a black leather jacket, along with boots. He was a tantalizing sight to see. Holy shit, it was as if suddenly someone threw a bucket of cold water on me as an unexpected realization struck.

He wasmine.

Looking right at me as if he just saw a lightbulb go on, a devilish grin spread across Braxton’s face. The man was too in tune with what I was thinking. But what I also noticed was that he wasn’t looking at any of the nurses, he only had eyes forme. Brax was a nice guy, so he was polite with them, but that was as far as it went.

All the nurses had probably been crying in their Wheaties when Braxton had stalked right toward me and sweetly kissed my cheek. Then, he leaned in, quietly whispered in my ear, and goosebumps had spread all over my flushed skin. “I’m keeping it clean for the kiddos, but later when I get you alone, that won’t be happening. Think dirty, baby.”

As the day went on and I watched him play with all the kids, another realization hit. Braxton was going to make a wonderful father someday, so right then and there, I vowed somehow to be the one to make those memories with him. I would try to find a way to have the family I’d always known I wanted, no matter how scared I was of getting hurt, being let down, or failing.

We were meant to try.

Our time came to an end and we said our goodbyes to everyone. And as much as the kids loved me, I think Braxton won quite a few hearts and they were sad to see him go even more than myself.

Nurses too, I’m sure.

Wow,No Surrender, their business was really extensive and so damn cool. I had only been in the office area when I took the guys lunch one day, but other than that. things had been so busy I hadn’t gotten around to getting the grand tour. But now that I had, I was impressed.

The offices were in a building all by themselves and then the other building housed multiple rooms. There was an indoor firing range, but there was also an outdoor one too. On top of that, they had a state-of-the-art gym because they liked to maintain their physical fitness, but also help others who wanted that too. Some of the rooms were set up for different classes, such as self-defense and martial arts. They all could do any of this stuff, but each of them also had something they excelled in or liked to focus on. They were glad to bring Kace into the clan because I guess he was one badass sniper and a gem with any gun imaginable. I may not love guns, but the way Braxton talked about him was quite impressive.
