Page 43 of Entwined Souls

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Not able to sit yet, I stayed where I still stood and cut to the chase. “I’m moving in with Braxton and would like to move next weekend.” I paused and took a steadying breath. “But I told him I had to talk to the both of you because I couldn’t just up and leave since before discussing rent, and after how long it’s been just the three of us.” I watched them closely, gauging their reactions. What I wasn’t expecting was Summer to jump up and throw herself at me.

“Oh my God, Jurnee! This is everything you always wanted, even if you were a child when you first dreamt up your life with him. I can’t believe it’s happening, I’m so happy for you,” she said squeezing me tight. She must have realized how quiet Alley was because she released me and turned toward her.

“Alley Cat, what’s wrong? Are you upset about this?” I just waited to see what she would say. When she did speak, I was so damned relieved at the words that left her mouth.

“No, I’m not upset at anyone, I am excited for you too. I just don’t want anyone hurt, and I’m sad it won’t be just the three of us anymore.”

That’s when I knew I needed to make my voice heard. Things changing between us wasn’t something I wanted them to worry over. “You guys, it’s always going to be us three against the world, and I’m not moving far away and will always be right here if you need me. You're my girls, my besties, and that’s not going to change. Where I live doesn’t take away what we have,ever.” Tears formed in my eyes, then I saw there were some in Summer and Alleys too. The next thing I knew Alley was up out of her seat also and we were all hugging and crying.

After we got out all the tears, we sat down and started plowing through the food. We talked long and hard about the situation. Neither girl was worried about the rent money, they just wanted to make sure I really wanted to move that fast. As we talked about it, I realized if it was tomorrow I would do it that soon, because Braxton was everything I had ever wanted, but truly didn’t believe I deserved or could have. With our work schedules and having to pack stuff up, it would have to be on the weekend.

I wasn’t taking anything but clothes and personal items, Braxton had everything at his place and that would leave me a bed to sleep on if I wanted a girls night down the road. I told the girls how Brax said he wouldn’t ever want to come between us, and anytime I wanted a girls night, then that’s what we would have. He truly was the sweetest guy I had ever met—the sexiest too.

“I’m scared.” We had talked about all the good things and how they were okay with it all, but I hadn’t really voicedallof my concerns to them yet. “What if we are rushing into things and when I get there we find out we aren’t compatible? It’s like we are jumping in head first, then seeing how deep the water is, and if we sink or swim. If he doesn’t like me, or we have bad habits we can’t stand, or drive each other crazy… what then?” I rambled out all my fears in a panic.

It was Alley to speak up first. “I know my brother, Jurnee. He knows what he wants and he goes after it. He doesn’t do things he is unsure of. All I can say is he fell hard and fast, but you're it for him. My brother doesn’t fail, and he won’t fail you. Trust him, trust yourself, and know Summer and I are always here for you.”

“She’s right,” Summer said. “I saw his face when we walked up to the bar that first night. When he saw you, you were not little Jurnee anymore. Instead, he saw the woman you’d become and the attraction was as instant as a magnet to metal. He wants to be stuck on you.”

“You're such a goof,” I told her, laughing. But it felt good they both could see it.

“Are you ready for this?” Alley asked.

I didn’t really have to think about that too hard. I might have been nervous or a little worried, but I was ready to be with Braxton. I just had to trust him like Alley said, and believe we both knew what was right.

“I am.” I nodded. “I will miss being here with you both, but we will see each other all the time. I love you two so much.”

Once again, we were all up embracing, the tears flowing freely. Then, I remembered what else I brought home, and what a better way to close the night.

“Who wants banana cake?”

They both screamed. The next thing I knew there was a cake in the middle of the table, and we had three forks out, digging in. Who needed plates anyway.

Later that night after I had taken a shower and changed into some cotton sleep pants and a tank top, I laid in my bed thinking about how well my earlier conversation with my besties had gone. Promising to call Braxton after the girls and I talked, I picked up my phone and dialed.

He answered immediately. “Hey Babe, how did it go?”

“Great.” I smiled. “Are you ready for me this weekend?”

“Seriously Jurnee, you're coming this weekend?”

The excitement in his voice made my heart go pitter-pat and happiness seep deep into my soul.

“Yup,” I said, voice filled with happiness.

“Dimples, you just made me the happiest man on the earth. I love you.”

“And I’m the luckiest girl, I love you too.”

Four days and I would be sleeping next to Brax each night.Eat your heart out ladies, Braxton Hart is mine.

Chapter Thirty


Gettingthrough the week seemed to be a challenge. Work was good but rough. We had a lot more kids that wanted to come to the center, so I’d had to change schedules around while reaching out to find more volunteers. More than desperate for help, I wasn’t turning anyone away. Thank heavens for my besties who had come in when they could. Even Gemma had volunteered this week, which she did from time to time whenever she had a chance. It was so good to see her and catch up. After being in foster care together, we both understood how much a helping hand could matter to any child.

On top of all that, Embry’s loud-mouthed, mean-tempered, dad had shown up again. Only this time, it had been as I was leaving work and heading to my car. Since Braxton had tightened security and people now had to be beeped in and out for the safety of all the staff and kids, he’d camped out waiting for the moment I had left and was all alone, then confronted me in the parking lot.
