Page 45 of Entwined Souls

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Yup, he knows exactly what just crossed my mind, or close to it.

“Do I have to?” I mean really. It had been a bad day, I was still shaken up, worried about Embry, and I wanted them to find her dad and take him in. I thought all I wanted was for Braxton to hold me, but now that he was almost naked in bed beside me, things had drastically changed.

“I would love nothing more to slide down under the sheets and have my way with you, except one thing. To feel you safe and wrapped around me in our bed, fused together the entire night, would make me happier right now. I just found you, and the thought of ever losing you scares me, but I’m not gonna let that happen. Even if it means we never leave this room. I love you, Jurnee.”

“Brax, you saidourbed.”

“After everything I just said, that’s what you zero in on?” he asked with a chuckle. “Of course I said our bed—that’s what it is. It may be a few days until you move in, but the second your gorgeous ass hits this mattress, it became yours too. Nobody else besides me has ever been in it, and there isn’t another soul besides you and me that ever will either. You mean everything to me, Dimples.”

Between the day's events and the speech Braxton had just given, tears began leaking from my eyes and started flowing rapidly. I was tired and my body hurt from being shoved around, but on the flip side of it all, his words were so tender and sincere that I lost all control. Feeling embarrassed, but not able to stop all the emotions from pouring out of me, I buried my face in my hands.

Brax slid further down under the covers, pulled me into him, and held me tight. “Get it all out, baby. You will feel better once you do. I’ve got you.”

I had to stop getting into this man’s bed. Oh, that’s right,ourbed, and crying myself to sleep. I was batting two for two as far as that went, and I didn’t want him to get sick of me weeping all the time. But right now, his warmth, compassion, and his body felt too darn good to do anything but fall into a deep slumber, so that’s exactly what I did.

Just before I drifted off, I made a silent vow to myself and him.

I will make it up to him in the best possible way come morning.

Chapter Thirty-One


Something was pressingagainst my butt.

My body responded on its own, pressing back and doing a little wiggle. That’s when I heard a deep growl.Oops, guess I woke the bear.A giggle escaped my lips.

“You think you're funny, woman?” My half-awake, but obviously, fully aroused boyfriend, asked. That got another laugh out of me. But my laughter died on a squeak when the next thing I knew I was flipped over, arms pinned above my head and Brax’s impressive little morning surprise was now pressed against my overly sensitive lady parts.

“Is this what they call a rise and shine kind of morning?” Braxton smirked all sexy-like.

Oh boy, the timbre of his voice sent goosebumps erupting all over my body, and I recalled a certain vow I made to myself right before I fell asleep last night.

“You're a funny guy, you know that? I did make a little promise to myself last night as I drifted off to sleep you know?”

“And what was that babe?” He raised his eyebrows, and the simple gesture had my nipples hardening.

“That come morning, I would pay you back for everything you have done for me, and for being there for me last night.”

“Jurnee, listen carefully,” he replied, tone serious. “You don’t owe me anything for that. It’s a given— we’re a team now. Understand?”

I understood and I knew that technically,but….

“Good to know, and yes I understand. But, Braxton, I want to pay you back anyway. I promise it will be a lot of fun.”

Not waiting for him to respond and with the element of surprise, I pushed up, flipping him to his back, and reversed our positions. It was now a mirror image of the moment just before, but this time my hands had his, pinned above his head. I was on top of him and the aforementioned lady parts were now pressed down onto his extremely large manly parts.

Senses on overload, I closed my eyes for a moment, but they popped back open quickly when a deep, masculine groan came from the man below me.

Eyes locking with the green globes staring up at me, I started to move. I thought I was gonna be in control, but that was lost when Brax’s gravelly voice pierced the quiet morning air. “Get on all fours, Dimples.”

Wearing a smile, I complied.


For a minute I thought about letting her call the shots, but once she started rocking her sexy body against mine, the beast in me came out to play. My little beauty was about to get down and dirty.

Never in my life had I seen something as sensual as Jurnee on her hands and knees, swaying ass in the air, peering back at me over one shoulder as her hair blanketed her back and her teasing eyes pleaded with me to take her. I wasn’t sure how she would respond to the over the top, alpha behavior that she alone brought out in me, but if looks were anything to go by, then I would say she was liking every second of it.
