Page 46 of Entwined Souls

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Timid no more, her shyness vanished, and the little minx began barking her own orders. “Brax, get a move on!” she yelled playfully.

Grabbing onto her hip with my left hand, I wrapped her hair lightly around my right and pulled back a little before leaning in. With our faces mere inches apart—which for me, was too far—I huskily asked what I needed to know.

“Are you ready for me, Dimples?” Her eyes widened, glazing over with anticipation of what was to come. Then those big baby browns blinked up at me with so much heat swirling in their pools that I wasn’t sure anyone was going to be in control in a minute.

“Yes,” she answered, breathlessly.

That was all it took. A second later, I pulled her head back a little more and slammed my mouth down on hers. Wanting to kiss her forever, but needing to be somewhere else right then, I pulled free of her potent lips and released her silky hair. Taking hold of her other hip, I aligned my cock perfectly and in one hard thrust, sank into perfection.

The moan that escaped my girl’s lips should’ve been illegal, and I became a man possessed as I took her and myself straight to Heaven. As I emptied every drop of my love inside her, I prayed it would take root and somehow, even if she didn’t believe that we could, we’d create a piece of both of us.

We both collapsed flat onto the bed, and I rolled to my side, turning her so that she was looking at me. I needed to see her and make sure she was alright. I didn’t need to worry; a blissful smile graced her angelic—andverysatisfied—face.

“You’re my perfect other half, and I will be thankful every day that I get to come home to find you.” It was the truth and I hoped she felt the same... or that one day she would.

Jurnee grabbed one of my hands in hers, and the words that left her mouth would forever be etched in my heart.

“You’ve shown me in a small amount of time what it’s like to be loved. Something my own birth mother couldn’t do. And although my best friends and my adoptive parents have shown me that as well, the kind you bring to me is so much different. Besides my daddy, you're the best man that I know.” She scooted as close as she could have got and threw her leg over mine as she continued. “You take care of those you love, serve, and protect your country, are an amazing friend, and a good person. I’m damn lucky that when you came back you noticed me, that you saw the real me, and that you chose to share your love with me. Because Braxton, Ineverwant to lose you. I will cherish you and the gift you have given me always.”

My own eyes grew misty, and my chest tightened. Tongue refusing to work around all the emotion that settled in my body, I couldn’t speak. So I pulled her in close, and held her head to my chest as I stroked her hair; I didn't let go for a long time. Then, her muffled voice broke the silence.

“Will you tell me about your time in the service? I just want to know you...allof you I mean.”

That wasn’t what I was expecting her to say, but it was what she deserved. And truth be told, I wanted her to know every part of me too.

“Sure I will, Dimples.”

I proceeded to tell her about my time in the Marines. How growing up we didn’t have a lot of money, which she already knew, but how that made me feel. It was hard watching our parents care more about themselves and their partying ways than their own kids. Neither of them could hold a job very long the way they lived, Alley and I suffered because of it. So, wanting something better for myself, and for my baby sister, I knew without money for college, that I was going to join the military.

Explaining to her how hard it was to leave Alley when I left for boot camp choked me up. “I was scared for her, Dimples, but you know what made me feel better?” I know I posed it as a question but didn’t wait for a response. “You and Summer, along with the fact that if needed, she always had a safe place to go...your house. I knew she could go to Summer’s too, and she would, but we all know the Abbots are not our cup of tea.” Jurnee and I, both chuckled at that comment, because boy did we know that was the truth. “I knew without a doubt you girls would make sure she was okay, and that allowed me to go do what I needed to. You also know Alley is stubborn, so she wouldn’t have had it any other way. My sister is tough, but she is not Superwoman. Even now I know something is bugging her, she just locks it up inside.”

I saw a look on Jurnee’s face as I mentioned this last part, but I also knew the girls kept their secrets and threw away the key; except for maybe when it could harm someone, so I didn’t press the issue.

Continuing, I told her all about boot camp, which is where I met Gyth, and how we ended up stationed at the same place, together throughout our whole career. Then how I met Kace later, and about some of the other guys that were good friends of mine. The stories I told, some made her laugh, and some made her tear up. Those memories always brought on mixed feelings for me too.

There had been many great ones and others that were hard to have dragged back up. Explaining about Gyth’s injury and how that came about, was a hard thing to discuss, especially when I knew how much it affected my best friend.

While I talked, Jurnee silently listened, taking it all in, her fingers continuously brushing over my tattoo. The words inked on my skin rang true to me, that’s why I put them there, and knowing she understood was an amazing feeling.

As I finished talking, I looked down just as she looked up and our eyes locked. “You're beautiful, and I’m one lucky man that you're taking a chance on me. I want you to know I will move Heaven and Earth to give you everything your heart desires. You deserve nothing less.” I meant it too. Not caring how soon it was, I was working on a plan that I hoped would pan out, allowing me to do just as I’d wanted and give Jurnee exactly what she wished for.

“You’re so good to me Brax and you're all I want and need,” she said tenderly, but as sweet as her words were, I knew there was more she wanted, and I intended to make it happen. “Do you need to get up now? Or do we have time to stay in bed a little longer?” Now she was talking and even if I didn’t have time, I would make it for her.

“There’s time, Dimples and I plan to use every minute. Only this time, I plan to make slow, sweet love to you.”

And that’s exactly what I did.

Chapter Thirty-Two


It was Saturday,a day which had been bittersweet. Packing up all my things to move was both hard and exciting at the same time. It didn’t take long since I was only taking my personal things, not any furniture, or household items. Braxton had all that, plus the girls still needed it. Good thing he had a Keurig or I’d have stolen ours, and Alley would have kicked my ass.

As I looked around my soon to be old room, both girls came up behind me, and grabbed me in a big old bear hug, practically smothering me to death. This was it, so much was about to change. Even though I was in love with Brax, and so happy to be going to his place, I couldn’t help the tears that fell down my cheeks knowing how much I would miss my besties.

I heard sniffles from behind me. Clearly I wasn’t the only one feeling emotional. The girls let me go, and I turned to face them. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

“I love you crazy girls so damn much.” I barely managed to get those first words out, because I was so choked up. I took a deep breath and carried on. “You were my rock from the first day I met you, every day since, and you will forever be those anchors for me.” Damn it was hard to get through this. “I know without a doubt that I can come to you whenever I need help, to bitch and cry, or if I just want a hug. And no matter if I’m living in a different house, that won’t change. Just as, I will always be there for you the same way.”
