Page 52 of Entwined Souls

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“What am I going to do with you woman?”

“I can think of something,” I replied, as my hand made contact with his cock again.

“Me too, babe.” Braxton reached around and rubbed my sensitive area, pulling a moan from my lips.

“Umm, Brax?” I managed to barely squeak out.


“I love you.”

“I love you too, Dimples.”

He didn’t waste any more time in showing me just how much.

Chapter Thirty-Five


Even though Italked to my parents a lot, it had been a while since I’d seen them. I’d told my mom about dating Braxton and moving in. Of course, they thought he was a great guy, but worried it was moving too fast. I was their little girl, their only daughter, so it was expected.

They had come over for dinner at our house because Braxton wanted to properly talk to my dad about me marrying him, even though he’d already asked me. Telling them together was what he thought was best and the right thing to do. While I’d waited for them to show up my nerves were at their max.

I just wanted them to be happy for me. And proud of me.

When they arrived, pleasantries were exchanged, and we showed them around the house. As we wandered through the rooms talking, my parents asked Brax about his life. I loved how genuinely proud of him they were, even expressing that to him aloud. Between his military career, starting his business, and buying this beautiful home, they seem quite impressed with all that he’d accomplished.

By the time we sat down for dinner, which Braxton made, things seemed to be going tremendously well. My guy even set the table, which we never ate at, just for my family. Normally the two of us plopped down on the couch together while we ate, talking or watching a show together.

If we managed to get our precious girl, there would be more dinners at the table for sure. The picture in my head of the three of us sitting together while sharing a meal, made me smile. I’d been so caught up in my thoughts, I missed what was being said around me.

“Jurnee, are you listening?” my dad asked me.

“Umm sorry, I was just thinking about something,” I replied with a sheepish expression.

“Would you like to tell us what it was that you were thinking so hard about?” my mother asked, curiosity lining her tone.

I felt like I was in school and just got caught by the teacher for passing notes. That had happened on more than one occasion and I could still hear the teacher's voice in my head.“Since whatever you have there is so interesting, would you like to share with the rest of the class?”

That was a big fat no—thenandnow. Eventually, my thoughts would be out in the open, but I wasn’t ready yet.Baby steps, I told myself.I’m sure my parents had no clue as to what was coming, and I was leaving all that up to Braxton. Me though? I cowardly changed the subject and kept eating.

A short time later, everyone seemed to be getting full and dinner was winding down. I fidgeted under the table waiting for Brax to get the conversation going that we had brought my parents here for. Thanks to my anxious bladder, I was about to jump right out of my chair and head for the bathroom but didn’t want to leave my man all alone to fend for himself.

Wiping her mouth with the napkin, my mom praised Braxton for the chicken parm, pasta, veggies, and bread. The man could cook better than me that’s for sure. I suppose that growing up with parents who probably didn’t take the time to do that for you, that you learned to do many things on your own. And Braxton did everything pretty much perfect in my book, especially—Head back in the game Jurnee, this is not the time to be thinking about sex.

When I was at the foster home we didn’t get meals that good, but at least for me, things had gotten better. That was not the case for Braxton. Sometimes people got so lost in their own sorrow, they didn’t always realize how bad others had it. I believed I noticed when other people hurt, and I was empathetic, but there were no doubt times when my painful memories consumed me to the point that I forgot about everyone else. It made me feel awful. I thought about Brax and Alley fending for themselves all the time, and my heart hurt for them just as it had when we were kids.

My knee stopped bouncing with anticipation when Braxton placed his hand on it and spoke up. “I have something I would like to talk to you both about, it’s why we asked you over for dinner,” he said, giving my leg a little squeeze.

Bloody hell, here we go.

My parents' faces—man if I could have only taken a snapshot of those to save for someday in the future. When a guy starts with, I have something I would like to talk to you about, I think it’s easy to discern somethingbigis coming. I wasn’t sure they were ready.

Braxton didn’t go slow and build-up to the big moment, it was like ripping off a Band-Aid and getting right to the heart of the matter. Even though he was talking to both my mom and dad, his eyes were on my father. “I love your daughter and have asked her to marry me. I’m sure you feel like it’s too soon, but we both want this,” he said taking his focus off my dad and looking at me with more warmth in his gaze than the sun could ever produce. Then, he glanced at my mom before meeting my father’s stare once more. “That’s not all either. I’m sure as much as Jurnee and you two talk, you know about the little girl named Embry at her center. Well”—he paused— “we plan on trying to adopt her.”

My parents were stunned into silence. Both just had sat there I think trying to process the words still hanging in the air. All I could think was,would one of you please say something?but it took a little while. My knee started nervously bouncing again. Palms sweaty, I felt like I was gonna puke or pass out from holding my breath.

I needed them to be okay with this. They meantsomuch to me.
