Page 53 of Entwined Souls

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I’d let out a sigh, along with all the air I had been holding in when my father spoke up. “I think you're a great guy Braxton and would be happy for my little girl to be with a man such as yourself, but don’t you think it’s a little too soon to jump into all of that?”

Oh shit, maybe I breathed a little too soon.

I wasn’t so little anymore, but I guess to him I would always be just that. He was my father. I understood where he was coming from, hadn’t I asked the same question myself? But then I realized when it was everything you want, why wait? That was the motto I had been running with since Braxton became part of my world again.

“I’m sure people will think so, but we both very much want this and are going for it,” Braxton replied. “And I respect your concern. I’m sure one day I will feel the same with my own daughter. In fact, I hope like hell I get that chance. I’m asking you both for your blessing because I know how much you mean to Jurnee. I will do everything in my power to make her happy.”

Wow, not only was I crying after that, but my mother was too. Dammit, this man was good. I saw my dad look over at my mother, and even after all these years he had just as much love shining in his eyes.

Reaching out his hand toward Braxton, he told him exactly what we wished to hear. “Her mother and I’d be honored to welcome you into the family. You both have our blessing.” They shook hands, my mother and I let more tears fall, and a round of hugs were exchanged.

Happiness, peace, and love. I felt them all.

My parents left shortly after our talk and the dessert that I had picked up from the bakery for tonight’s dinner. Cherry cheesecake, me and my mom’s favorite. It was so damn good too. We walked them out and I had just come back in and shut the door when my body was slammed flat up against it.

Braxton may worry when his adrenaline took over and he lost control a bit, but there was no need. I loved the animal in him and the times he just let go. The assault on my body was as sexy as hell. And while we had christened many places in our home, this door was not one of them.

Check, another location bites the dust.

Frantically we both started undressing each other in a race to get naked. Guess he wasn’t the only wild one.

“Fuck, I love your birthday suit, Dimples.”

“Ditto,” I said, laughing. Then Braxton was on me again in a flash.

I felt his hands wedge themselves under my ass and push up, while his mouth devoured mine in a demanding kiss. Knowing exactly what he wanted, I placed my arms around his neck and did a little hop, wrapping my legs around his hips.

Our bodies became one, so in sync, with each other, it was as if we’d been together for years. He already knew my likes and dislikes not only when it came to sex but so many other things as well. The same went for me with him.

Grabbing his cock in one hand as he held my ass with the other, he pushed into me and began thrusting in and out, hitting that sweet spot deep inside. As my body beat against the wooden door, I wrapped my hands in his hair and held on as I soaked up every bit of the alpha behavior this man was dishing out.

“God, you taste good, baby. I can’t get enough of this gorgeous body of yours. I’m not gonna last, you’re so damn sexy.”

As his hips started jackhammering in and out even harder, I let out a scream and yanked back on his head so he had to look at me. “Now, Brax, make me comenow!” I yelled so loud, those far away neighbors may have heard.Right now I don’t care, they can get some damn earplugs.

He always gave me what I wanted, and this time was no different. Eyes still on me, he brought it home, and with sweat dripping down our bodies, animalistic sounds coming from the both of us, our orgasms hit at the same time and our releases mixed together like the perfect blend of a fine wine.

Both breathing hard, my head dropped to his shoulder and I thought I could fall asleep like that, but I figured he couldn’t hold me this way all night. So I picked my head back up and placed a light kiss on his lips.

“Let me down before you drop me.”

“Dimples, that would never happen.” Despite his words, he did release my legs, which felt like utter jello and allowed me to slide down his body, placing my feet on the floor.

“I think it’s shower time, don’t you?” Giving him a naughty smirk, I felt his body start to respond again. “Already?” I asked, with an arched eyebrow.

“What can I say, you do this to me,” he said with a wink.

I batted my eyelashes at him. I loved the playful side of Brax and that he brought that out in me too. “Who me?” I faked innocence and pointed at my chest. Then reaching around, I did what I had done before because his expression was always great. I smacked his ass. “I have at least a few more times in me and I get a head start.” I loved the chase, so I took off running for the stairs.

“Dimples, I’m gonna get you!” he yelled, laughing.

“I’m counting on it,” I exclaimed over my shoulder.

Chapter Thirty-Six


Sittingin the waiting room on the polyester grey couch, I remembered a time long ago when I sat knowing my life was about to change and I was filled with jitters. The room was so quiet all I could do was hear myself thinking, which wasn’t helping my nerves. Braxton grabbed my hand, and the warmth of his touch eased some of the tension in my body. “Breathe baby, we got this. You and me,” he whispered softly in my ear. He’d always seemed to be able to relax me, with just a small caress or his velvety, smooth voice. Sagging against him, I laid my head on his shoulder, and we waited like that until our names were called.
