Page 54 of Entwined Souls

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After the night we told my parents our plans, which had been a week ago, we’d laid boneless from sexual exhaustion in our bed curled up to one another talking. We spoke for hours about what the next steps would be and exactly what we both wanted. I was in awe that Braxton yearned for the same things as me and that he was who I got to share all my dreams, memories, and my future with.

Since we hadn’t told anyone but my parents about what we were doing yet, that was still all something that needed to be done. But first, we finally had an appointment to talk to Embry’s social worker. I had met with her a few times when she came into the center to check on my sweet little angel, asking questions to ensure she was being taken care of.

But today was so much different.

I have had some monumental moments in my life. First the day I got adopted, next finding out that my cancer was in remission, then the day I met the girls, which I had also met Braxton as a bonus, and last was him coming back into my life in a very special way. I prayed that when we walked into that room to ask about adopting Embry that it would be one more that I could add to my list of life-altering memories.

Not knowing what to expect, and if they would even consider something like this when Braxton and I weren’t married yet, was making me jumpy. The door opened and just the lady we needed to speak to, walked into the room.Please let this go well.

Brax and I stood and shook hands with Mrs. Miller. Then he and I clasped palms and followed the very person who could possibly help make part of our dreams come true. As the door to her office closed behind us all, I’d sent a silent wish out into the universe that good things would be granted.

The meeting with the social worker was over and had gone extremely well. I took a deep breath letting that sink in, but my body was still amped up over what we were doing next. We were on our way to the county clerk's office, another huge step in our lives was about to take place.

If we had told people ahead of time where we had been heading after our visit with the social worker Mrs. Miller, or that we even saw her for that matter, they may have thought we were insane. But nobody was told beforehand. God, I felt awful about it too. My two best friends, my soul sisters, should have known everything and over the last couple of weeks, I had left them in the dark. After this one step, we planned on talking to them, and Braxton’s guys too.

There was no way they all were not going to be a part of all that was coming. Being we were heading to obtain a marriage license, that meant all would be involved in something enormous, and very soon.

A wedding.

After leaving the county office, we were back in the car. I stared at the paper in my hand, not honestly believing what I was seeing, and yet I could feel the smooth finish, had felt the weight of it as I held it, and could see the words written on it. Mine and Braxton’s names on the marriage license we’d just obtained clear as day.

I was getting married.

Braxton was staring straight ahead and looked calm, collected, and content. Three C’s I was clearly searching for within myself. He had one hand on the wheel and the other clasped with mine when he gave my palm a little squeeze.

“Breathe, Jurnee, it’s going to be okay.”

“I know,” I replied. “I just can’t believe I’m getting married and that the social worker is in our corner and going to help us try to adopt Embry. It’s all so surreal.”

He turned his head for a second to look at me and our eyes met. There was a question coming.

“You're happy, right? Do you still want this?”

“Oh my God, Braxton, of course I do. I didn’t mean for it to seem like I didn’t, it’s just kinda crazy. But in a totally fabulous way.”

“Good, because I love you, baby.” He smiled at me before turning his eyes back on the road.

Driving toward the house I thought about our meeting today. Embry’s social worker, Mrs. Miller talked with us in great length about what was happening with her case for quite a while. They were still looking for her father, but because of breaking probation, assault, and everything else, once he was caught, he would be going to jail. So they would be petitioning the courts to terminate his rights. The plan would be to transition into a new home as a foster child, with the potential of being permanently adopted by that family once the courts had settled her biological father’s matters. I prayed those people were Brax and me, and that was what her social worker was working towards as well. We all had agreed that for Embry’s sake that it was the best scenario for her getting her forever home as soon as possible. There was always the chance that they wouldn’t take her father’s rights away, but Mrs. Miller didn’t think that would be an issue with this case. It was a chance Braxton and I were willing to take.

Even though not every couple has to be married to try and adopt, it sure helps, so that’s what Brax and I were doing. I worried that was the only reason he wanted to go through with it, that and to make me happy. But so many times over the last week he’d made it abundantly clear that even if we were not trying to bring this little one into our home, that beyond a doubt he wanted to make me his wife.

And I believed him, heart and soul.

Now, we had so much to do. Talk to our friends and plan a small wedding, which we intended to do in Braxton’s backyard by the water. Then we needed to take the weekend foster care classes for potential foster and adoptive parents, so we had those done. Last, but not least we needed to get a room ready for one special little girl in the hopes that it all worked out. I was so glad her caseworker was on our side, I just hoped our friends would be too. We would see tonight when they all came over.

Pulling up to the house, I was surprised we were already home. I had been so immersed in all my thoughts I hadn’t even noticed pulling into the driveway. Truth be told, I was emotionally exhausted. Obviously, my face had shown it as well.

“Babe, you look beat,” Braxton said, reading my expression. “What do you say we go in, cuddle up, and take a little nap before everyone comes over tonight?”

I looked at Brax and decided to give him shit, because usually when we cuddled up, a nap was the farthest thing from our minds. “Think you could actually let me sleep this time?” I gave him a little nudge over the console of the Jeep.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. “I promise to let you rest if you kiss me now.”

“Pfff, I’m not sure I believe you, but I will give it a try.” Then I planted my lips on his.

He kissed me thoroughly and then pulled back licking his mouth. “Cherries, yum.”

I playfully smacked his arm. “Come on, silly man, let’s go try this nap thing out, and see how it goes.”
