Page 64 of Entwined Souls

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Leaning down, I kissed her lips, keeping it PG even though every time our mouths met my manhood roared to life. She was tired and there was a serious conversation that needed to be had. Reluctantly pulling back up, I asked her if she was ready to talk. She looked nervous, but it was time to do it and move forward.

“Can you tell me now why you were so sad that day and the reason you left?”

She hesitated, but then began to speak. “I was scared and sad that you would leave me, or I would have to leave and give you and Embry up.”

What the hell?

“Why would you think any of that, baby?”

Tears falling, her voice cracked as she managed to say, “Because I thought I might be sick.”


“I hadn’t been feeling well and I always worried that the cancer would come back, so I got blood drawn that day before I came home. I was scared. I sat down in that room thinking it was probably unfair for me to bring a child and you into my world when I never would be sure it wouldn’t come back. And yet at the same time, I didn’t want to give you both up. But what if I didn’t, and then you decided not to stay with me and risk that yourself? All these thoughts were going through my head and I didn’t know how to tell you. I just ran. I’m so sorry.”

All of those words and emotions that poured out of her pierced my heart, like a nail had been driven straight through it.

“Dimples, from now on what you go through, I go through. I can only imagine how scary the thought of that would be, but you deserve a beautiful life. We only get one, and we have to live it to the fullest. Mine wouldn’t be if we didn’t take each day we could have. We will walk the paths together now, and wherever the road leads, I will always be by your side. And for the record, what wouldn’t be fair is for you to deprive Embry and me of being with you. Please baby, from now on know that no matter what happens, it’sus,not just you, in it together.”

“I know, I realized that once I sat down with the girls and started talking it out. But, then I just wanted to get my bearings and so I stayed again because we were talking about the wedding. It’s just weeks away and I want to marry you like there is no tomorrow. Now Embry can be there too. Everything I’ve ever wanted is coming true.”

Her excitement and happiness were infectious, and we were both smiling. She sat up when we started to talk, and we turned facing each other.

I grabbed both her hands in mine. “Dimples, we’re having a baby.” My voice was elevated with glee and I almost couldn’t believe it, but the doctors at the hospital confirmed it, and even after being knocked around, my girl and the baby were okay.

They had done an ultrasound to check on the baby, and I was shocked that Jurnee was already a couple of months pregnant. My girl must have conceived one of the first times we had been together. Our little miracle wasn’t wasting any time. The bundle of joy should be gracing us with their presence in March.

Hearing our child’s heartbeat for the first time, was something I would never forget. I’d held Jurnee’s hand as we both stared at the monitor. But when the swooshing sound and fucking perfect little beat broke the small silent room, our eyes met, both pooled with tears of amazement and pure bliss.

Gazing deeper into her eyes, I squeezed her soft hands, and a grin lit up my face as I looked at my soulmate before me.

That famous smile split her face, her dimples twinkling with joy, and I was the lucky one that got to see it. Her laughter broke through the house and the wonder and amazement shone through every pore of her body like a ray of sunlight. Her words were not hesitant or unsure anymore. They were not spoken as someone who was sad and scared. Those next words were said with confidence, love, and passion.

“Brax, we’re having a freaking baby. And Embry is ours too. Oh my God, it’s the best feeling. I get two kids and the perfect man to light up my life.”

Damn, I loved this girl. In a few short weeks, my ring would be on her finger and she would be mine forever.Oh shit, speaking of…


One minute we were talking, the next Braxton was off rushing away as fast as the wind, leaving a swoosh of air and his scent in his wake.Damn he smells good.

Usually talking off like that was my MO.Maybe he has to pee.I couldn’t help the laughter that rang out. It rattled my body, and I grimaced in pain, no thanks to the bastard that tried hurting my angel and me.

“What’s so funny, Dimples?” Brax asked, but then immediately came rushing over and dropped to his knees in front of me where I still sat on the couch, obviously reading my expression of discomfort.

“I’m okay. I just got laughing so hard, it jarred me. What was that all about, you taking off like a bat out of hell?”

“Tell me why you were laughing first, and I will tell you where I went,” he said, giving me that teasing, sexy smirk he was so good at.He really is lethal.

Trying to hold back more giggles I replied, “I thought maybe you ran off to pee.” Laughter broke free again, there was no way I could have held it in.

“Your dimples are showing, my love, and I adore them. But no, you goof, I didn’t have to pee. I do, however, have a question for you, and you’re going to have to sit tight and not go running off to the bathroom.”

I gave him a questioning look. When he pulled his hand out of his pocket and popped open a box that showcased a magnificent, sparkling, round diamond ring, a gasp passed my lips as my shaking hands flew to my mouth. Braxton knew me well. It was simple, petite, with a twisted band mixed in tiny diamonds, and white gold. The ring was delicate, not flashy, but the craftsmanship was beyond beautiful, and it was so me.

I knew we were getting married, and we talked about needing to get rings, but I never expected such a fabulous surprise. Tears of happiness poured from my eyes, down my cheeks, and my trembling lips wouldn’t work. Good thing it was Braxton’s turn to talk.

“Baby, I know we were going to get rings together, but I needed to do this right. You deserve every special moment that comes with getting married, and the ring to go with it.” My man took a deep breath, obviously trying to control his emotions as much as I had been. “I will love you until the day I die, you are everything good in my world, and you are the light that brightens my soul. Will you marry me, Dimples?”
