Page 65 of Entwined Souls

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An abundance of tears fell down my face, as I threw myself forward and into his arms, knocking him backward and we both tumbled to the floor. I landed right on top of Brax, and even though it hurt, I didn’t care one iota. “Yes, I will marry you. You make me the happiest person in the world, and my life was not complete until the day you walked back into it.” I rained kisses all over his face then, and we laughed, so full of life and love. “Hey, I remember I laid just like this on our first date. And look where we are now.”

“It was one of the best nights of my life, and right now is another amazing moment. We are going to make so many memories just like this together, and with our family.” He reached up and touched my face tenderly, and I leaned back down hugging him tight, not sure I would ever move.

I love this man more than words could ever say.

Chapter Forty-Two


Standingin the doorway of the newly finished room, I stared at the finished result. Pink exploded all over with top to bottom princess stuff everywhere, unicorns thrown in the mix, and baby dolls too. There were books, frilly dresses and more. All the things I knew Embry loved. We may have gone overboard, but I didn’t care, I wanted to give it to her. I prayed she liked it because she was about to show up.

We’d had a busy week. The center was shut down while we cleaned things up. Although there was a mess made, nobody else was hurt, just scared. So everyone was off while we took care of that and I hoped when all the staff and kids were back they could put it behind them like I was trying my best to do. Besides that, we had to give our statements to the police, sign off on the last of the paperwork for the foster parenting, sort out last-minute wedding details, make an appointment with an obstetrician, complete the room for our Embry and also our visits with her so she was ready to transition today.

On top of all that, we had all our friends over to tell them the baby news and they even helped with the room. My besties were so damn excited for us, and Summer and Alley couldn’t stop going on and on about how they would be the best aunties ever to be. It had all been amazing, but I was exhausted, but it was worth every tired moment. When the doorbell rang, I flew down the stairs at top speed.

“What the hell, Dimples? Slow down before you hurt yourself and give me a heart attack!”

I didn’t want to fall either, but it had been less than a week since he found out I was pregnant and now he was acting like I was going to shatter like glass or needed to be bubble wrapped. I loved him for it, even if by the end, I may knock him over the head, and ask my best friends to help me hide his body. What are best friends for anyway, if you can’t count on them for those kinds of things?

“What was that evil little chuckle you just let out?” Braxton asked with an arched eyebrow.

Oops, didn’t know I did that, better be careful. No seriously, of course I was kidding because I couldn’t live without my guy, but he better calm his shit, or sleeping at Gyth’s house may be an option we’ll have to explore. I realized I laughed at myself again, I was just so happy.

Now Braxton was staring at me like I grew two heads.

“It wasn’t an evil laugh, hon, but do we have a good shovel out in the garage?” More laughter poured from my lips and I was practically doubled over with it.

“I don’t even want to know, now hurry up, let’s get the door,” he said as he headed that way.

As he pulled it open, Embry came flying in and threw herself against my legs, wrapping her little arms around them as far as they would reach. Her head was tilted back, so she could look up at me.

“I’m here!” she squealed in delight. “Do I get to stay here forever and ever?”

“Of course you do. You belong here with Braxton and me now, Angel.”

This last week as we spent time with her—the relationship between her and Braxton really blossomed. It was a sight, those two together. She let go of me and rushed over to him, jumping up so he would pick her up and twirl her around like he had done so many times in the last few days. Then, she placed both hands on each side of his face as she looked at him.

“Hi, are you happy to see me?”

“You bet I am, Doodlebug.” She giggled as she usually did because she thought it was so funny when he called her that. But she loved it.

As he held Embry we spoke with her social worker, who didn’t stick around. There may be things to work out as this was a big change for all of us, but we had a good relationship with the little one already, which made it a lot easier. Her social worker had been out to the house, but this was the first time Embry had been here.

“Ready to see the house and your new room?” I asked her.

Eyes as big as saucers, she asked, “My own room?”

“Yeah, baby, your own room,” I replied. Then, we went about showing her the house and headed up to her new room.

She stood just in the doorway when Braxton set her down and didn’t say a word. Maybe she didn’t like it? Then her small feet started to move and she was standing in the middle of the room, turning in a circle, before her eyes came back to us with tears trickling down her little cheeks. We both made our way to her and dropped to our knees in front of her.

“What’s wrong Angel?” I asked. More tears and tiny hiccups of breath came from her petite frame.

“I l-love it s-so much,” she managed to get out. These were tears of joy, not sadness and my heart leaped in triumph.

“I’m so glad, honey.” Braxton and I wrapped our arms around her in the center of that decked out princess room, and we hugged for a long time.

As a family.
