Page 67 of Entwined Souls

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Stretching, my hand brushed against a head of soft, silky, blonde hair. Turning, I looked at the little girl that laid next to me, and my heart thumped with unadulterated love.

Last night, we had a slumber party with Summer and Alley, since they insisted, I didn’t get to see the groom until I walked down the aisle to take his name. It was exhilarating and a little frightening all at the same time. Our girls’ night was a blast though, and my little girl had the time of her life, playing games, watching movies, and eating way too much junk with the three of us. Embry took to us all in no time flat and had adjusted like a champ. She was already calling the girls Aunt Summer and Aunt Alley—it was so damn cute. And her aunties were eating it up.

My girl is going to be spoiled rotten, the baby too.

Lost in my thoughts, I hadn’t realized that she had woken up. When I looked back down, her sparkling blue eyes soaked me in. Her little voice warmed my insides when she spoke, and I realized for the millionth time in the last couple of weeks just how damn lucky I was.

“Do I get to wear my new dress now?” she asked, excitement evident in her sweet little voice.

When we’d gone to pick out what she’d be wearing today, she was in awe of all the fancy dresses. If she could have worn it every day she would have. “In just a little bit you will.”

“Will I look like a princess?”

“Yes, Angel, you will look just like a beautiful princess,” I assured her. And she would too. Today was going to be an incredibly special day. I smiled at her, and the grin I got back was worth a million bucks.

Pulling my angel into my arms, I hugged her close, breathing in her sweet smell. Tears gathered in my eyes, knowing she belonged to Braxton and me, and I loved her more than all the stars in the sky. Reluctant to let her go but knowing it was time to get a move on, I released her. “Let’s go find the girls and get some breakfast first, okay? Then we will start getting ready.”

“Yay, breakfast!” she shouted, tossing back the duvet and springing out of bed like a little monkey.

Embry loved breakfast. She could eat pancakes like there was no tomorrow. Drenched in syrup was her favorite, so you had to keep the bottle away from her. I’d found that out one morning when her plate looked like a lake and the waffle was MIA as syrup had run over the sides of the ceramic dish onto the granite countertop. I had one sticky girl on my hands and a bath came directly after.

Memories are already in the making.

We found my besties in the kitchen and the four of us ate, laughed, and talked about how the day would go down. It was nine in the morning and we were getting married at two in the afternoon, so we all cleaned up our mess and headed off to shower. The girls were all getting dressed here at my old house, while the guys were getting ready at Braxton’s and my place.

I couldn’t wait to get into my wedding dress and walk toward the man I loved. It may be a small ceremony, but Braxton insisted we still do it right. I knew it would be better than I had ever dreamed when I was a little girl because it was with Brax, and so many others around me that I loved dearly.

My gown was gorgeous, the girls had their deep peach bridesmaid dresses, my flower girl would be adorable in her white dress, with peach ribbon, and my mouth watered just picturing my man in a tux. The other guys I was sure would make a sight as well. Braxton had also hired people to set up everything and take it down, and a catering company for all the food, so we could all concentrate on just enjoying the day.

Even though we picked everything out together, with some help from our friends, I couldn’t wait to see it all set up with the finishing touches applied. With time ticking, I needed to get my butt moving and get ready to marry my schoolgirl crush. It was crazy to think he is the one that fate meant for me, yet our new beginning was just hours away.

A short time before I said two of the most important words of my life.


Sleeping without Jurnee and waking up in bed alone again sucked big time.

I let the girls talk me into letting her stay with them, Embry too, as they went on about how it’s not good luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. Wanting Jurnee to have the full experience, I played along, but damn, I just wanted her with me.

After today, I might just tie my girl to the bed.

Not a bad idea, I thought, laughing to myself. Right now I needed to focus on today. The guys would be here soon to help make sure the people we hired got everything where we wanted it, and then we all had to get ready. Hopefully time would go by fast because I wanted to marry my girl right now, more than I wanted my next breath. And I wanted her and Embry home where they both belonged.

Throwing on a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt, I headed downstairs to grab some grub. Just as I got to the kitchen, the doorbell rang. Changing directions, I went to answer it. Gyth was standing on the other side when I swung open the big wooden door.

“Hey, man, you're early,” I said to him.

Not that I minded, the company was good to have since I was about to go out of my damn mind waiting for two o’clock to get here.

“I figure you could use some breakfast,” he said, holding up a takeout bag and coffee that looked like it came from a place not too far from here. The coffee was good and the pastries they had were amazing.

“Awesome, dude, get in here.” I grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and pulled him inside.

Gyth chuckled. “Hungry or something?”

“You know I love that place, and I need a distraction to keep myself busy, so this will have to do.”

“You nervous, man?” Gyth asked me, as I headed to the kitchen once again and he followed.
