Page 70 of Entwined Souls

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For our first dance as husband and wife, we swayed to the song, “All My Life” by Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville, which had been the one we’d danced to when we finally got to go out with all our friends. It really wasn’t that long ago but look where we were today.

Resting my head on my husband's chest, he softly sang the words to me just as he’d done the first time and every lyric caressed my beating heart. So many memories were being made today, and I was so thankful for each of them.

As the slow song ended, a faster one took its place. We stayed for a few songs, having a great time. My husband was a great dancer and it was sexy to watch the way he moved. All our friends and family seemed to be having a blast dancing, eating the incredible food, and talking with one another. Embry had been twirling around the floor with her dad, grandpa, and all our friends. She had so much fun and ate up the attention. When we finally moved off the dance floor, a very special friend had come to stand beside me.

“Oh my gosh, Gemma, I’m so glad you're here!” After pictures, Alley had pushed us right into our first dance, so I hadn’t really got a chance to talk to anyone yet.

“You look absolutely beautiful, and I’m so happy for you. Congratulations to the two of you!” Gemma exclaimed as she hugged me.

I had told Braxton so much about her, but this was the first time he’d met her. “Babe, this is Gemma,” I said, gesturing from him to her. “Gemma this is my husband, Braxton.” She reached out her hand to shake his, but he tugged on it and pulled her into a hug.

“I’ve heard so much about you, Gemma, I feel like we have known each other a long time,” Brax said before releasing her from his bear hug.

Gemma let out a giggle, and I couldn’t help but think my man had that effect on us girls. He was a keeper, that was for sure.

“I’ve heard a lot about you too,” she replied back.

The three of us talked for a bit until more people made their way over to us and we chatted with many of our guests until eventually it was time to cut the cake. It was so beautiful I almost didn’t want to ruin it, but I remembered how it tasted when we sampled it at the bakery we’d chosen and that sealed the deal. The cake was goingdown.

It just better not be going in my face.

We cut the pieces and champagne was poured for all those who wanted it or could have it, which didn’t include me. I got good ol’ sparkling cider, along with my angel and some others. I had also noticed Summer had refrained again, just like before. Then, our friends and family made some toasts before we took our first bite. We were doing things our own way, not necessarily traditional, but it had been fabulous from the start. The toast brought new puddles of tears streaming down my face as my dad, our closest friends spoke to us with such love.

Leaning into Braxton’s side, I murmured, “We are very lucky to have all of these people in our lives.”

“That’s for sure,” he agreed.

Swiping at my eyes to clear them, we grabbed our pieces of cake, but not before I gave Brax the stink eye to warn him, and he just smiled with mischief. I had a feeling he was going to be in trouble for the second time today. “Be nice,” I reminded him, but couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped knowing what was probably coming.

Slowly each of us moved our pieces towards one another’s mouths. Just as the cake touched my lips, it was smashed in my face and against my parted lips. Banana flavor burst onto my tongue and I licked my lips while laughter escaped me. Then I gave back as good as I got. I turned to see Embry clapping and laughing with joy as though that had been the funniest thing in the world. That alone made my messy face worth it.

“That’s two, Mr. Hart, and you are going to get punished.” Just then Kace chimed in and everyone exploded in laughter. “I’ll get the belt.”

If looks could kill when Brax’s gaze had swung to Kace, the man would be dead where he was standing. Then his expression changed as he looked back at me, and his eyes twinkled with playfulness. And then, of course his reply was all man, and so Brax.

“Are you going to spank me again, Mrs. Hart?”

I’d been about to reply, when I’d heard a loud thump, a groan of pain, then Alley’s scream. Panicked, I rounded the table where she and Summer had been standing and my whole body instantly began to shake with uncontrollable fear. Summer was on the floor convulsing and then lost consciousness. A male voice boomed above everything else and started barking orders.

“Get back, someone call 911 now!” Gyth demanded, and then he dropped to his knees—injury be damned—at Summer’s side, immediately taking charge. He was calm, collected, and seemed to know how to handle the situation.

The next span of time seemed to go in slow motion. Concerned for my best friend, my gut was tight, and a sick feeling washed over me. Summer had experienced seizures before, but since she had been on medication there hadn’t been any in quite some time that I knew about. I’d seen the signs lately, the fatigue and change in her, but she had insisted she was fine.

This wasnotfine.

As the seizure came to an end, Summer’s confused gaze scanned the room. Eyes landing on mine, her face took on a horrified look. Tears gathered in her beautiful green eyes as she seemed to struggle to collect herself before she spoke. My heart broke more and more with each wobbly word.

“I-I’m so s-sorry I m-messed up y-your special d-day,” Summer faintly managed to get out. The worry and shame that colored her voice was agonizing. She was still disoriented and having so much trouble speaking.

Now, I had dropped to my knees on the other side of her. “Honey, you didn’t mess anything up, so get that out of your head. We just need to take care of you. That’s what matters right now.” I was barely holding it together, this was my best friend and something had been going on that led to this and we didn’t know about it. I sighed from the feel of Braxton’s comforting hands that came to rest on the back of my shoulders giving me the extra strength I so desperately needed.

“Y-your dress,” she pleaded, as though trying to convey that she was worried I was on the ground, but not getting all the words to come out, as her teardrops fell down her face, and her expression remained a little perplexed.

I started to say something, but just then the paramedics came rushing through the backyard and they took control. In the end they had decided to take her to the hospital to check her out further. I wanted to go, but Alley had said she would ride with her, and then she’d let me know what was happening. Summer managed to say I couldn’t leave my guests and it was my wedding day. I knew she wouldn’t forgive herself if I left my own reception, so I did my best at the time to finish the evening and then would see her as soon as I could.

Just as they’d put Summer into the ambulance, Gyth met Alley at the back doors and said he was riding with her, not really giving any room for argument. Alley must have seen something in his eyes because my girl usually wouldn’t let anyone tell her how things were going to happen, and she would fight them tooth and nail. This time, she didn’t. They closed the door with Gyth inside with Summer and Alley was following along in her car.

As they drove away, I turned in my husband's arms and broke down right there in the middle of the road. Why hadn’t I questioned more, recognized the signs, or insisted that she get checked out? I prayed that everything would be okay.
