Page 17 of Forbidden Souls

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Jumping out of bed, I bolted for the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Just making it to the toilet before I unleashed all the contents in my belly, I leaned over and prayed to the porcelain God. It was a prayer I was pretty sure wouldn’t be answered, but it was my only hope right now that somehow I was hallucinating and the ring on my finger was a joke. Maybe he got it from a bubble gum machine?

Yet staring at the shiny, oval, blue diamond centered around many white diamonds, where my hand rested on the side of a toilet that probably way too many people visited in just this position over the years, I somehow didn’t think so. And where the hell had he got a ring like this in a split second? It had to have cost a fortune because blue diamonds were very rare.

Wait, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right?

“We can get an annulment,” I mumbled out loud to myself.

“Not happening, baby,” Landon’s deep voice said from the doorway.

Guess I wasn’t alone.

My head whipped around so fast to look at him and I felt as though my head would fall off my shoulders from the pounding. It was as if I had ten drummers beating on their drums in my skull all at one time. But that wouldn’t stop me from speaking my mind.

“You cannot be serious, Landon, this is nuts.” I was practically hyperventilating at that point. “And what the hell is this? Where did you get it?” I frantically rambled on, shooting daggers from my eyes directly at him.

“It doesn’t matter. It was meant to be yours, it matched your eyes,” he whispered huskily. Then his own eyes took a round trip over all of me and I freaked.

“Oh my God, don’t look!” I screeched.

Quickly looking down at myself where I sat on the floor, I realized I was butt-ass naked. Scrambling to my feet, I jumped toward the shower and pulled the curtain around the front of me. When I looked back up at Landon, he had a smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eye that told me I was in a world of trouble.

“I have seen you naked many times, including just last night. And I love what I see.” He smiled at me, and I almost caved and asked him to head back to bed, but then I came to my senses.

“We cannotbe married. It was a drunken accident, one that shouldn’t have happened.” As the words left my mouth and I watched his face change to hurt, I almost wanted to pull the words back and see his smirk again. But then he went all business.

“It is not as easy as you think to get an annulment. And remember I am a lawyer, I would know.”

My already sick stomach did a few nauseated flips and I thought I was going to have to run back to the toilet.Maybe I can take the shower curtain with me.

“Alley, we got to get on a plane, we will talk about this at home.” His sharp tone left no room to disagree with him.

I got myself into this mess when I insisted I needed a drink and allowed him to come. But I couldn’t be married to him. It was something I always wanted but years had passed and the damage was done. We were not the same two people we were when we were crazy in love.

“Fine, we will get home, but what needs to be done still stands when we get there. The two of us were over a long time ago.” Tears started to form behind my eyes and I was praying they wouldn’t fall in front of him. It was another prayer I didn’t think would be heard.

“Why were we over?” His voice rose with each word. “Why did you leave me when I told you what you saw was all my mother’s doing and you just let her win and threw us away?” He didn’t look only hurt, but irate too. “I would have done anything for you, and you ran instead of fighting for us!”

Clenching the curtain in my hand tighter because too many memories were flashing through my head of the night that broke us and started our downhill spiral of sorrow, I looked down at the ground not able to meet his eyes.

I didn’t keep fighting for us because I couldn’t. How could I fight for the two of us, when I couldn’t even save the precious life I was responsible for?

The tears fell then, dropping onto the white tile floor.

Landon was in front of me, his soft, concerned voice hitting my ears. “Mi Tesoro, please don’t cry.”

“Landon, please go,” I begged as I brought my head up and looked into his eyes. They were filled with sadness and pain. It was a look I remember seeing in them when we stood in Jurnee’s hospital room and watched her with baby Hudson after he was born.

“Alley,” he whispered.

More tears splashed onto the ground and my breathing picked up speed. It was all my doing. I should have just listened to him that night, but I was hurt and didn’t believe I was enough. If I hadn’t got upset and stressed myself out, maybe one thing wouldn’t have led to another. Fighting for us and believing in him was what I was supposed to do.

I loved him and I fucked up.

And someone else paid the price.

“It is my fault Landon,” I choked out on huge sobs. Then I fell to my knees so fast, he couldn’t catch me, and I hit the ground hard. I didn’t care, I deserved it. The next words I spoke would kill us both, but they flew out of my mouth anyway.

“But being married isn’t going to bring her back. Nothing will bring our baby back!”
