Page 24 of Forbidden Souls

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Jumping off the couch, I swung around to face her and found her standing by the hallway wearing an oversized black t-shirt which hung just above her knees that read,‘Sleep is Underrated’.

As hard as I tried to keep them on her face, my eyes took a path down her gorgeous legs to her cute toes. Most probably wouldn’t peg my girl as one to paint her toenails but she always had. She had a thing for polish, even if it was bright red or some other crazy colors, sexy underwear, and being a bit naughty.

And there goes my mind into the gutter.

Shaking my head to clear it, I brought my eyes back to hers. That’s when I saw the tiredness and sadness sitting heavy in her deep blue globes. As much as I wanted to answer her question honestly and just say I wasn’t okay, and sit and talk, now wasn’t the time.

Her shirt was right, sleep was underrated, and right then Alley needed to catch up on hers. Tomorrow would come soon enough, and I wasn’t going anywhere—much to her dismay I assumed.

“Yeah, baby, I am fine.” My heart was beating double-time as I said the words she needed to hear so maybe it would calm her. Something I wouldn’t be doing this evening, but she was much more important.

I noticed when I called her baby that her eyes widened but she didn’t call me out on it.

“Okay, well then, there is an extra blanket, sheet, and pillow in the closet in the hall, I can get them for you.”

“I can get them,” I told her as I rounded the couch and slowly walked toward her, unsure exactly how to proceed in sending her off to bed. I was torn. Did I turn her around nicely and shoo her off to her room? Or did I kiss the ever-lovin’ shit out of my wife before sending her to a bed?

A bed I wished I was joining her in.

In the end, I knew she was scared and fragile right now, two things Alley didn’t usually show. So, I settled for a cross between my two choices.

As I stepped in front of her, Alley’s blue eyes sparkled with remnants of tears not spilling over but still visible and that crushed my heart. She looked so damn heartbroken and tired too.

Sliding my palm softly down her arm, my hand joining hers, and her eyes widened with shock. I felt a zing rush through my limb and race through my whole body at just the simple touch, and by the look on her face, my girl had felt it too. Lacing my fingers with hers, I squeezed just a little trying to comfort her. I had no clue if everything would be okay, but I wished with everything I had in me it would be.

“You go on to bed. I will be fine.” I leaned in and kissed her lightly on her soft, smooth cheek, before letting go of her fingers.

Alley visibly trembled at the small gesture and it was clear that we still affected each other to that day, just as we always had. Her mouth opened and shut as if she wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

When her lips moved again, I covered them with one finger. “Shhh, we will talk tomorrow.” I knew she wasn’t up for any more tonight. I let my hand fall away from her sensual mouth and with my hands, turned her body in the direction of her room.

“Go,” I whispered.

After one last glance over her shoulder, she padded quietly down the hall and into her room. The click of her door shutting mademe, a grown man, nervous. What if she always shut herself away from me and we never could get back to where it was obvious we both still wanted to be?

Together. It is where we belonged.

Mind whirling in all directions, I made my way to the hall closet to grab some stuff to sleep with, and then headed back to the couch. Once I was done making up my bed, I plopped down on the sofa.

It is going to be a long night.

My baby Hannah was gone and for the past few years, that had haunted me. My heart died a little along with her and I forgot for the last few years that love still always simmered in the depths of my soul.

For Alley.

She was so angry and sad, that I had gone along with it too. But when our lips joined again not so long ago, that love I thought was lost forever bubbled to the surface and it was then I realized it may have been dormant, but it was never gone for good.

I love Alley so fucking much. She was my treasure, just like I had always called her, and she always would be. There wasn’t a single woman I had ever been in love with or imagined being married to but her. And now she was my wife.

I would move heaven and earth to keep it that way.

“Sweet dreams,Mi Tesoro,” I said out loud into the quiet, lonely room, willing her to feel my love where she lay.

Then I broke down and cried hard, something I hadn’t done in a while. But my emotions that were bottled up needed to be set free.

“Daddy will always love you baby Hannah,” I whispered to the heavens above.

