Page 3 of Forbidden Souls

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But he had another thing coming.

Rounding the corner to the front of the house, he headed down the stone walkway, past the beautifully manicured front yard, toward the street. And that's when my gaze, even from my position, peeking around his backside, landed on his car.

No, no, no, no, no, I can’t get in that car!

I knew he still had it, I mean he came to almost all our get-togethers and was present in my world, not to mention he was my best friend's older brother. But that was a whole lot different than getting in the car or going anywhere with him.

A part of me was shocked that he’d kept the 2016 Bentley Continental GT Speed Convertible, in fountain blue metallic. How I recalled exactly what it was, down to a T, colors and all was beyond me, but I remember when he got it and had told me all about it. Back then, I’d hung on Landon’s every word.

Another thing I will never forget about that car is how well it meshed with Landon’s crystal, baby blue eyes. It was as if the car was specially made just for him.

Still, why did he have this car when he could afford a newer one? He used to say it wasn’t about flaunting his wealth, he truly loved the car. But no matter his reasoning, the vehicle screamed of money and class.

Everything he was, and I wasn’t.

I should’ve hated it and all that it stood for, but I always secretly loved it, even if the memories that it held could mentally bring me to my knees if my ass was planted anywhere inside it.

Yet there was one thing I hadn’t, or I should say, I tried hard not to think about for years, that held even more memories than his car. Something that wouldn’t just bring me to my knees if I allowed myself to let that visual in but might kill me. So I squeezed my eyes shut, and then after a deep breath, my eyes popped open, and I fought with everything I had to not let the past creep in.

Squirming and pounding my hands against his back, I tried again to get him to listen to me. “This is not the time or place for your macho bullshit, we have a party to get back to. Not everything's about you, Pretty Boy.”

That’s when my feet hit the ground, and he plastered my body against his ride, then moved into my personal space, our noses mere inches from one another.

Oh shit, I did it now.

Pretty Boy had been my nickname for him, but the way I spit it out now was used with disdain and not as a playful endearment. I felt bad about it for all of two seconds, because once he opened his mouth, I forgot any remorse and the fire was back coursing through my body.

“I suggest you mind your words unless you want me to put you over my knee,” he said with his own fire burning bright in his eyes, mixed with a twinkle of lust.

This was not happening, it could not happen. It was time to shut this shit down and head back to my friends, the safe and happy place I belonged. There now, with Landon’s body pressed up against mine, our tempers flared, it all reeked of trouble.

“Don’t—” My words died when his mouth descended on mine and his lips punished, bruised, and demanded in a way so familiar, I was helpless.

I caved. Not only did I cave, but I dove headfirst.

Plunging my tongue deep, I slanted my head and gave in to the feelings that would always be simmering at the surface between us, but ones that pounded against me like a massive wave, always dragging me to the depths of the unknown.

I’d taken what my body craved, then I fought to gain control. As I planted my hands on his solid chest to push him away, a tingle of electric shock raced through my palms and took over my body. Shoving hard, our mouths were ripped from one another, giving me the little space I needed between us.

And I ran.

Behind me, Landon shouted out to my retreating form. “This isn’t over, Alley!” His voice was firm, leaving no doubt he meant what he said.

Tears bubbled to the surface as I raced up the porch steps to the front door, and then they spilled over, running down my cheeks. I frantically swiped them from my face as I turned the knob and ran inside to hide, needing a few minutes to pull myself together.

He’d said it wasn’t over, but the truth was, it had been over for some time now.

And it still ripped my heart apart every single day.

* * *

I couldn’t hidein the bedroom forever.

Landon had probably gone back to the party, and everyone was going to wonder where I was after that public display of God knows what. After finding a towel and washing my face, now void of what little makeup I managed to convince myself to put on for Summer’s special day, I wandered around upstairs, before opening the door to Embry’s room and sitting down on the floor.

My eyes took in the pink, princess decor, the baby dolls, frilly dresses hanging in the open closet, her bookshelf piled with books, and stuffed animals adorning her bed. I smiled, my heart, so full of love for my niece. She loved everything girly she could get her hands on, and pink was no doubt her favorite color. This was a little girl's dream room.

It was a room I never had.
