Page 30 of Forbidden Souls

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My damn heart sped up at his offer. Something was wrong with my ticker because it was not working right that night. And when we got on his bike and he handed me an extra helmet, taking me on my first ride, arms wrapped tightly around his hard, muscular body, my heart raced faster than his bike as we flew down the road.

It had been the start of many rides together, and a few years later, I was gifted with my very own helmet. Our journeys became more personal without anyone knowing. Our favorite ride was the one we often took up the Oregon Coast. And the time we spent there, just the two of us, were some of my most cherished memories.

In my heart, it was where I believed my Hannah had been conceived. We may not have planned it, but my baby girl was a gift, and I would love her for all eternity.

My lips trembled, and my hand shook, with the paper still clenched in it. I had forgotten about it as I took that trip down memory lane, something I had been doing a lot lately. Looking down at the folded piece of paper, I opened it, and three words written inside had me gasping.

‘Ride with me,’they read.

Dropping the paper, it fluttered to the ground as my feet took motion once again. Turning around, I left my room to cross the hall and went straight to my office window, where I could see out front.

The sight before me had me excited and scared shitless because there, dressed in all black, sat Landon upon his motorcycle, looking my way as though he knew any second I would peek out. His blond hair and blue eyes, with the perfect complexion, stood out among the dark clothing and dimming night sky.

And I could almost feel the tension all that way that radiated off his body, his eyes intensely pleading with mine to say yes.

Crapola! I can’t fight this right now.

So I found myself scurrying back across the hall to change into something appropriate for riding on a cool evening night. Once finished, I grabbed my helmet off my bed and prayed I wasn’t making the wrong choice.

But Landon was too damn hard to resist, and I wanted to give in to the words on my helmet. I needed that and him right then. I still didn’t lose all the fight in me.

Marching out the door and pulling it shut behind me, I practically stomped over to Landon. “Don’t get cocky, it’s just a ride,” I told him as I slammed my helmet down over my head, grabbed onto his sides, and threw one leg over the back of his ride.

“Yes, Wife,” he said playfully and threw his helmet on, and started the bike.

I would have smacked him upside the head because I could tell he was smirking even if I couldn’t see him, but he wouldn’t even feel it now with the helmet on.

And then, before I had time to think anymore, the bike rumbled between my legs, my arms instinctively wrapped around his tight, warm stomach, and he revved the engine a couple of times before he took off.

I’m free.

If only for a few hours.

And it felt fucking phenomenal.



Now what wasI supposed to do?

The ride was exhilarating and while we were on it my soul felt free. All my worries disappeared for a whole hour, but then we arrived back at the house and I realized Landon would be following me in since he was staying there. Something I should’ve fought harder to change, but I didn’t know if I wanted to.

I nibbled on my bottom lip as I worried about what I should do next and caught Landon staring at my mouth. That just amped up the nerves more.

What did I say to excuse myself quickly so he wouldn’t try and kiss me? Then on the other hand, another voice inside me was wondering how I made him devour me? My mind and heart were playing a hard game of tug-of-war.

God, I was one hot mess.

Well not hot physically since my face was probably red from the wind and I had helmet hair for sure. Yet, the way Landon was looking at me with lust in his eyes, I must have not looked too horrible. I watched him shake his head a little as if to clear whatever was going through his mind and that was when I knew he was about to do the honorable thing again and graciously walk away.

I couldn’t let that happen.

After we came through the door and he’d shut it behind us, we stood in the entryway a few feet apart. I panicked a little at the thought he would walk away and not touch me, so I touched him first. After closing the distance between us, I placed my palm flat against his chest. His eyes widened in shock as my hand buzzed with an electrical current that zipped up my arm and raced through my entire body. Every time we touched it felt that way.

Then we both seemed to glance down at where my hand lay at the same time and when we looked back up into one another’s eyes, the lust was still there, but a softness was in its mix. When he spoke, I understood why.

“You never removed my ring,” he whispered.
