Page 52 of Forbidden Souls

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It didn’t seem the type of place that Gyth would want to go to, but the truth was, he would go anywhere Summer wanted too and she’d always had the desire to visit there. What Summer wanted, Summer got, because he loved her beyond words.

“Hey, you,” my friend’s sweet voice said from behind me.

I turned to look at Summer and her radiant smile was still in place. It had been there since the second she started down the walk toward Gyth and hadn’t diminished since.

“We are about to take off, but I wanted to make sure you are okay with watching Ash still while we are gone? With you not feeling well and all, maybe it’s too much.”

The worried look on her face that stole that grin from her features, had me scrambling to reassure her that we would be fine. “Ash is not a problem. Besides, I have Landon there to help me.”

“Yes, she does,” the man himself said as he came up beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I leaned in as close as I could, and that smile was back on my friend’s face. Heat radiated off Landon and seeped into my side. He had been right beside me almost all day and it felt amazing. I thought back to when he first said he was going to stay with me and how I’d thrown a fit. And yet now, I couldn’t imagine him not living with me or being around most of the time.

“Kace is taking us to the airport early, so I will text you during the trip, and send pics,” Summer said. “You take care of her, big brother.” She pulled me away from Landon and into a hug just as Gyth walked up to join us.

After she released me, she wrapped both arms around her man and cuddled into him. They were so damn cute. His massive frame and rugged looks, next to her much smaller figure and soft, classically beautiful features. They were perfect.

“Ready to go, my love?” Gyth asked her.

“You bet I am, Big Guy,'' she answered as she met his gaze. It was as if we all vanished for a minute while they were the only two people in the world.

Then, after another round of goodbyes were said, they started to head out, and everyone followed them. Embry raced around handing out bubbles to everyone, as she opened hers and ran around blowing them at the newly married couple. It was adorable and I remembered when we were planning stuff, my niece informing us all that we needed bubbles. She’d also talked her parents, Summer and I into letting Ash stay with her and would only charge a small fee to take care of her.

It would be interesting to see just how much money that girl had already. Everyone laughed and agreed to let her do it. Nobody could say no to her no matter what it was about.

The guests clapped and waved as Gyth picked up Summer and placed her in the car, leaning over to kiss her in front of us all before he shut the door and rounded his truck, heading to his side.

“Don’t forget to bring back a hottie leprechaun and a pot of gold for me!” I yelled to Summer through her open window as they pulled away.

I felt a pinch on my ass.

Landon pulled my back to his front and leaned in close to my ear. “There will be no leprechauns in your future, baby, you are all mine,” he whispered. His hands rested softly on my stomach, his warm breath tickled my ear and peaked my arousal.

“I think it's time to go home,” I told him.

“Is that so?”

Everyone had turned to go back into the backyard so there was no audience watching us. I pushed my ass firmly into his groin and circled my hips a little.

Landon groaned and then said, “Yup, we are out of here.”

* * *


I had been dying to get my hands on her.

This was always the case when Alley was near. Even when she wasn’t, I was always thinking about her. Her beauty inside and out pulled me in time and time again, the lure of her never going away.

There was only one problem.

A part of me was worried about her being sick and needing to take care of her, along with our child growing inside her. That made me hesitate for just a fraction too long and I should have known my girl would call me on it, as well as read my thoughts.

“Don’t worry about me. I don’t want things to change between us.” She took a deep breath and then let out a sigh. “With that said, get this damn dress off me and take me to bed. I have been dying to feel you wrapped around, and inside me all day.”

If she thought I wouldn’t worry, she was crazy. But I’d do my best to keep it as much to myself as possible so she would relax. Resting my hands on her hips, I swiveled her around so her back was to me, and slowly dropped the zipper of the strapless dress she wore. It dropped to the ground and pooled at her feet.

Some may think it was odd to be turned on by the sight of a woman's back, but Alley’s had lust running through me. With the flat of my palm, I ran my hand over every inch of her soft skin, letting it map every angle and groove. Then I traced each of her shoulder blades, sliding it down, and cupped one of her white, lace, silk-covered ass cheeks.
