Page 6 of Forbidden Souls

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Just as she finished, Gyth had wandered over, wrapping his arms around Summer’s middle from behind. The gesture caught Braxton’s eyes and his features softened.

“You are right,” he said looking toward Gyth and Summer. “But this doesn’t mean I’m done talking about this.” Glancing at his sister and then me, he shook his head slightly and walked off in the direction of his wife.

With that, Alley didn’t waste any time and walked away too, leaving me to stare at her perfectly round, tight ass. The woman had curves in all the right places and is beyond fucking beautiful.

Everything about Alley appealed to me on an emotional, physical, and mental level.

She was fire and ice, sweet and sassy, smart and sexy, and a total knockout. Her silky, midnight black hair and mesmerizing, bright, crystal blue eyes that saw everything, along with her defined cheekbones, cute nose, and sultry lips, would have any man knocking down her door. But Alley never saw herself as strikingly gorgeous like I did and it only added to her appeal.

The idea of a man at her door that wasn’t me was something I didn’t like to think about. Over the last few years, we had been around one another, but I stayed away as much as possible and I didn’t ask about her personal life. I couldn’t bring myself to hear if she was dating anyone and seeing her with someone would kill me.

I had made a mistake.

Trying to do what Alley had asked, I put so much space between us and left her alone. I was a fucking idiot. All this time I should have been fighting for her, trying to explain and get back what we had. Because once upon a time it had been phenomenal.

Alley would just have to get used to the fact that I wasn’t going anywhere and that she and I belonged together. Because I was coming for her and there wasn’t going to be any distance between us anymore.

Someone punched me in the arm, and I turned to find my sister with a questioning look on her face and Gyth smirking, his arms still wrapped about her.

“I don’t know what happened between you before, or what you did to hurt her, but it better not happen again,” she said to me. Thinking about what came between us, a knot forming in the bottom of my stomach.

I must have had a look of agony on my face because Summer’s face softened and her next words gutted me as memories swarmed through my head. “I can see your pain too.” She used a gentle, comforting tone, unlike moments before, as she reached out to touch my arm.

“Make it right, Landon.” It was the last thing she said before she turned in her fiancé’s embrace, kissed him on the mouth, and walked off.

Just seeing those two so happy was amazing and at the same time killed me, because that is what Alley and I could have had. Hopefully, one day, we could again.

“You got your work cut out for you, man,” Gyth told me before also heading off, leaving me standing all alone.

I had friends, went out from time to time, tried dating, which didn’t work because all I could think about was Alley and had done my best to move forward. But without her, there was no future. And not once had another woman been in my bed and I certainly had not been in theirs.

She was the only one meant to slip under my sheets.

And she was certainly the only woman ever again to have my heart.

My ability to stand there and not drag her into my arms again was waning. So, not wanting to cause another commotion, I decided it was time to make my exit. I would say my congratulations and goodbyes and head out.

* * *


I will not feel bad...

Telling myself that had not worked because I felt shitty each time I thought of Landon leaving the party early. A gathering to celebrate his sister at that. She was my best friend and yes to me I regarded her to be my family, but those two were blood and they had always been close. Just as Braxton and I were. Big brothers like them were a gem and I knew he had taken off early because of me. So, that damn guilt was getting heavier by the second.

As I watched him go a million emotions and memories rapidly ran through my head like a stampede of wild horses. That was how I felt at that moment too, a little wild and out of control because even as hurt, mad, and full of sadness as I was, one thing remained true.

I was still in love with Landon.

Only it didn’t matter.

What we had was ruined.

It was over.

And there was no way to heal the pain.

