Page 9 of Forbidden Souls

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Then two weeks ago I didn’t need to think any longer and one thing became crystal clear, and one person was my reason to breathe. The rest would fall into place because once I had her again, life would have meaning.

When my lips felt Alley’s again after so long, I knew that I had been doing everything wrong. She was the only person, besides myself, I needed to make proud. She also deserved to be happy and cherished and didn’t need to be changed. Alley was perfect just the way she was.

She was my world.Mi Tesoro.

After things went south for us a few years ago, I got lost in all the emotions that swirled around our parting and now I needed to fix things. So there I was quitting my job at my father’s law firm where I was a partner and pulling away from my parents. It was something I should’ve done long ago. It was past time for me to fight for the only girl who has owned my heart.

But would she let me back in?

“You cannot seriously be thinking of throwing your future away, Landon.”

Before turning at the sound of my father’s incredulous voice, I took a deep breath in and let it out, preparing for the next few moments I would have to deal with him. I had come in very early, hoping not to see anyone, especially my father.

I guess it wasn’t my lucky day.

“Well,” he said impatiently, expecting an answer. But he wasn’t going to get the one he was looking for.

Turning to face him, I replied, “Yes, father, that is exactly what I am doing because it is not the future I want for myself.” His face was full of disappointment but also red with anger.

“After everything your mother and I did to help you succeed and get where you're at, you think it’s okay to just walk away?” His voice grew a little louder as he got worked up.

“I appreciate the help, but I also went to school and got where I’m at because of my hard work. I may be good at being a lawyer, but I’m not happy doing it anymore.” I picked up the box on my desk and walked over to the door where he stood just inside my office.

Stopping in front of him, I looked him straight in the eyes. “I also told you I wanted nothing to do with either of you until you’ve changed.” And with that, not letting him get another word in, I walked away from the life I’d known for so long.

But there was a time even mixed in that life, that my days were bearable, and that was because Alley had always been a part of them in some way. Over the last few years, that hadn’t been the case and I had been miserable.

I wanted her back because I knew she was the best thing that had ever happened to me, and we were meant to be together.

It may take a lot of groveling, hard work and with Alley, a whole lot of patience to repair what we once had, because that girl was as stubborn as a mule, but it was worth it. I also knew it would take a firm hand. Probably one that came down on her ass more often than not, just as it had recently.

I knew my Alley and how to handle her. She’d never convince me she didn’t like a good spanking.

“I hope you don’t have your head in the clouds about that friend of your sister’s.” At his words, I stopped halfway down the hall and turned back in his direction. “Don’t think for one second I didn’t know about the two of you. She isn’t up to our standards, Landon, and you're just embarrassing yourself chasing after her.” He looked and sounded disgusted.

Anger pumped through my veins at his words. Obviously, he had someone spying on me and his fucked-up shit about Alley was not okay. My parent’s shit had touched my lady enough times since the first moment she set foot in our home as a child and over the years as she’d grown into a young woman. I’d done my best to always shield her from them and their disapproval, along with their remorseless behavior toward her, but it had affected her all the same.

“That woman has a better heart and more class than you ever will and if you ever speak to or about her in a disrespectful manner again, you may just find my fist in your face. Just like mine was in Doctor Lawson’s at your party for what he did to my sister and your own daughter, while you stood there and did nothing.”

And with that said, I spun back around, walking out of the office and possibly away from seeing my father ever again.

* * *

A long-overdue conversationwas next on my agenda.

After dropping my stuff at my place and switching my mode of transportation, I headed in the direction ofNo Surrenderwhere I had no clue how welcome my presence would be received.

I hadn’t spoken to Braxton or seen anyone over the last few weeks since my sister's engagement party as I tried to decide how to handle everything. I’d only talked with my sister a couple of times when she’d called to check in on me.

It felt good that she was worried and cared about me, but it was Alley that I’d longed to hear from. Looks like I would have to be the one to invade her space once again. When I said it wasn't over, I’d meant it. And now that I had given her a few weeks, hiding from me was no longer an option.

Her time was up.

But first I needed to deal with her brother, who had been my friend even before I knew his sister would be the most important thing in my life. I hoped to get his approval and explain just what Alley means to me.

Pulling into the lot, I turned off my ride and sat there a moment as I took a good look at the place. The guys had done damn good.No Surrenderwas an amazing place and state-of-the-art facility. With all they had to offer, from their security systems they installed, teaching self-defense, martial arts, the huge gym, and their gun safety classes, along with the shooting range, the place was doing very well. I was happy for all of them.

Now, if only I could figure out what I wanted to do with my life. At one time I had thought I had known, but I lost that dream and my passion when I went along with the life my parents had planned for me. I didn’t know why I had felt so inclined to do as they wished, instead of what I truly wanted.
