Page 19 of Teal's Savior

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I rolled my eyes. What the heck was that? I didn’t joke, roll my eyes, and act silly, but that is how I found myself acting over the next hour as I opened the most amazing treasures, ate three, yes three, cupcakes, and laughed more than I ever thought was possible.

“Thank you all, this was the best day I’ve had in forever.” My voice broke on my words as happiness and sadness both rushed through me. “I wish my mom was here with me and to meet all of you.”

Knowing I just spilled some details that would be followed by questions, I automatically braced myself for the hurt that would settle in when I had to answer.

“Tell us about your mom,” Jurnee said.

And that is when I told them the story about my mom getting sick and dying when I was fourteen. I didn’t elaborate on my father or my hopefully soon-to-be ex-husband I was separated from and they didn’t pry.

They did however go on to tell me how they all met, things about their past that had me shocked. These happy, wonderful, amazing ladies had been through a lot and still were now living great lives.

It gave me hope.

“Who’s ready to go shopping?” Summer asked enthusiastically.

“Beware, she does love to shop,” Alley said.

Lunch was great and I had settled in, but now I was a little scared about the shopping trip when I saw the excitement and twinkle in Summer’s eyes. Part of me wanted the experience, but I also had to be careful about what I spent.

Regardless, the ladies took care of the bill, not allowing me to pay for my lunch and we headed out.

* * *

The girls knewhow to shop.

They looked for deals, checked other stores online before buying stuff, and were smart about purchases. But they also had fun while doing it. We had gone to different stores but ended up at Target last where I used my gift card and did most of my shopping.

As I stood staring at the cute bassinet, wondering if it was too much money or if I could afford to splurge, all the ladies walked up behind me, oohing and aahing over how adorable it was.

“Are you thinking of this instead of a crib?” One of the girls asked from behind me. I think it was Jurnee by the voice but I didn’t turn around to see.

I hated talking about my living situation, money, and life, but I was working on that. And since we had shared some things today, I decided to be honest once more.

“I would like a bassinet because I want my baby close to me for multiple reasons. There is also the fact that I live in a little motel and don’t have much space, so it's more practical in size right now. But I am working to change that when I can, I just have to save some money.”

When I finished my long-winded reply, I wanted to pull it back. I was trying to be real and honest, but it killed me inside that this was the situation I was in. I was determined to be the best mother and free us both of Thad, but it wasn’t going to be easy and I was still scared to death of what he would do when he did find us.

I had no doubt eventually he would come.

I’d been planning to ask the guys if they could show me some self-defense stuff, but hadn’t got up the guts yet, and it was a little hard when I was basically a month away from having a baby. Hopefully, when I was able to, it wouldn’t be too late.

Spacing off, alone in my head and thoughts, I realized everyone had been quiet. When I turned around, Summer was back from the group talking to someone on the phone, but I couldn’t hear what was going on and the other ladies were just standing there. My pulse sped up, worried that something had happened while I’d been bouncing back and forth about buying the bassinet and my other thoughts.

“What is going on, did something happen?”

Just then Summer got off her call and walked back over to the group, her face very serious. I wondered what the world was going on. Had I said or done something wrong? I thought things were okay, but I wasn’t good at all this girl stuff as I said many times.

“Don’t take this wrong and I hope me and the girls are not overstepping,” Summer started to say, then drew in a deep breath before going on. “We didn’t want to pry when we heard you were staying at the motel, but truth be told all of us would have made room for you at our places one way or another so you didn’t have to stay there. We just didn’t think you would trust us so we hadn’t asked.” Her gaze met mine straight on as if searching for what I was thinking as she spoke. Then she continued. “But we were dumb and hadn’t thought of the perfect idea until it just hit me like a ton of bricks.”

Hearing they would have asked me to stay with them sounded crazy. But since I arrived, everything seemed a little nuts and too good to be true. Then the next words out of her mouth were ones I must have heard completely wrong.

“Gyth never sold his condo when we bought our house. We decided, in the end, to keep it because they planned on hiring more guys and when they first got to town it would allow them a place to stay so they had time to look for something else.”

I wasn’t following really, what did that have to do with me exactly?

“Well, you came to work forNo Surrenderso we want you to live there as part of your employment, at no charge until you find what you are looking for later. And there is no rush,” she hurried to add on.

How could I take them up on the offer? But the idea of being in a real place before the baby was born had my eyes burning with tears that slipped down my cheeks as I frantically tried to wipe them away.
