Page 2 of Teal's Savior

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But I wasn’t lucky enough to keep them at bay.

The past took that moment to rear its ugly head and do a number on me as well. Everything around me faded and I was back in Hell.

But her sweet, whispered plea spread through my body, bringing my attention back to the woman standing right in front of me.

“I’m Teal,” the woman’s fragile yet magical-sounding voice floated through the room. “I need help and a job.” Her eyes were solely on me.

I sucked in a huge gulp of air. Swift as lightning, the overwhelming sense to comfort her swept through my body and my emotions swirled like a tornado inside me. She was sopping wet from head to toe and looked as if she was going to have a baby very soon.

Still, there was no way I could get involved. And yet I couldn’t seem to find the strength to shut down the other voice inside my head telling me I was going to do exactly that. Knowing that the guys, as well as every lady in the room would never let her walk out that door without giving her exactly what she asked, I would be outvoted even if I tried to walk away.

Do I want to be outvoted?

The fact that I’d second-guessed myself and asked that question scared the living shit out of me. I had been doing a bang-up job of living my new life, free of the past. Most of the time anyway. Every once in a while the memories crept in and tried to suck me into a dark place, but I just pushed them down again.

My mistake right then was not removing my stare from hers. Her sparkling, teal-colored eyes held mine and I was captivated as her gaze stole my breath. I was going under quickly in their depths with all the emotions that flickered in them.

What the hell was wrong with me? I’d pledged to myself a few years ago that another woman would never hold any power over me or challenge my resolve to keep myself safe from the torment they could cause while simultaneously ripping out my heart and burning my trust.

Lies, deceit, unfaithfulness, and sorrow; all were words that came to mind to describe the day I walked away from my old life. The life I thought I was supposed to have, and the one I had wanted at one time.

But… this woman.

She had an instant hold on me. And she just walked into my life minutes ago.

I was in deep shit.

Yanked from the chaos spinning in my mind by the sound of Braxton’s voice, I shook my head to clear it.

“Hi Teal, I’m Braxton and I am one of the owners ofNo Surrender.”

She took the hand he had outstretched as he approached, and her eyes finally left mine. I felt lost immediately as our connection was broken. But she didn’t look at Braxton as she had me. Her eyes were cast down part way, her body trembling slightly.

What the fuck?

My friend was an exceptional human being and made everyone feel safe so I was confused by the notion she was scared of him. Something was dreadfully wrong and her words came back to me.

I need help,she had said.

A growl erupted from the pits of my stomach and worked its way up like acid as my instincts screamed that hurt didn’t begin to describe what Teal may have been through. Anger burned inside me at the notion that anyone could hurt this woman and her unborn child. I had to shove it down before it slipped from my lips and I scared her further.

Braxton released her hand picking up on her fear and his eyes flashed with fury. Like me, he, as well as Gyth and Landon, wouldn’t allow harm to come to someone innocent.

And although we all had each other’s backs when it came to helping one another, I found myself beating my chest like King Kong, screaming that it would bemewho would protect her.

Yup, I lost my ever-loving mind.

Alley approached as the other ladies followed but stayed a little distance behind, clearly recognizing the apprehension rolling off of Teal and once again yanking me back to reality.

“Teal, I’m Alley, Braxton’s sister.”

Teal’s eyes came to mine again briefly before meeting Alley’s, stealing my breath once more. Her name fit the color of her eyes and they were mesmerizing. They were the perfect mixture of blue-green and brought a sense of tranquility as she peered directly at me.

But those beautiful eyes were also searching for something. Was she looking for approval, for comfort, and why from me? Yet I couldn’t deny that the second our gazes clashed when she first walked in, there was an undeniable connection.

“Hi–” Just as she started to respond to Alley, the bell over the door jingled again and Lyric walked in. Teal’s gaze took him in and the alarm in her eyes as her body vibrated with undeniable fear was something everyone in the room undoubtedly took notice of.

“Oh sorry, am I interrupting?” He scanned the room, clearly picking up on the odd vibe.
