Page 20 of Teal's Savior

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“I—” As I started to say something, Summer cut me off, already knowing the words I was about to speak.

“You can honey. Let us help. I know how hard it is to allow people to do that but you and the baby will be happy there.” She reached over and grabbed my hand. “Trust us, we won’t let you down.”

God, these ladies were remarkable.

“If you felt more comfortable we would let you stay at our place, but it hit me we had the condo and you might like it. But we will still have our sleepovers at Alley’s house as we always do,” she went on to say.

They had told me at lunch that Alley and Landon, who could afford the biggest home, actually had the smallest because Alley hadn’t been able to part with it yet. It was where she, Summer, and Jurnee had lived since they were eighteen and she loved the cute little place. And since that had been their place that is where they had girl sleepovers. I had heard about sleepovers, but never done them, and didn’t know people did them at our ages. But when they said I was invited to the next one, I felt giddy inside.

“The condo would be lovely I am sure, but—”

“No buts,” Alley cut in.

These ladies were determined and the appeal of my own space sounded heavenly. So I caved.

“Okay, thank you so much. But I can pay for rent.”

“Right now you worry about having that baby, the other can be talked about down the road,” Summer told me. “Now grab that bassinet you love so much, let's finish shopping, and then get some ice cream.”

“Ice Cream? I just ate a huge amount of pasta, bread, and three cupcakes.” Placing both hands on my round belly, I laughed.

“Who doesn’t have room for ice cream?” Alley asked me.

“True. Ice cream it is then.” I was having fun and could make room for at least a scoop.

“That’s the spirit!” Gemma chirped excitedly.

And we did just that. Shopped, went to get ice cream and then everyone headed home. It had been such a great day. I was one lucky girl to have these women in my life.

And then it hit me.

I had friends.

Smiling to myself, I followed Alley as we walked toward her truck. I think I missed some of what she was saying until I heard her mention driving to work with someone. I hadn’t even thought about the fact of where the condo was and it might be a lot farther from work than I was now. The bus ride was torture as it was and made me nervous. I was just overjoyed at getting out of the motel and the generous offer.

“You can get rides to work and if anything happens you will have someone right down the hall you can call,” Alley said. “How perfect is that?”

My face scrunched up in confusion.

“What do you mean?”

“Kace lives right down the hall,” she said walking toward the truck like she didn’t just drop a bomb.

Maybe I needed to think this through better.

Could I live right down the hall from Kace?

But dammit, I wanted to.



Two things had run rapidlythrough my mind when I heard that Teal was moving into Gyth’s old place.

In my building, nonetheless.

Panic and relief. Quite the combination, right? Panic because how would I keep my distance from her? And relief because she would be closer for me to protect.
