Page 3 of Teal's Savior

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I knew why Lyric was here. He always came in about this time, still in his uniform, when he got off duty and wanted to work out before going home. He was ex-military and now a cop. The man was built, and his presence screamed authority, so I could see how he could be alarming.

But it seemed like a whole lot more than that.

For a brief moment, I wondered if she was running from the law, but nixed that idea quickly. I don’t know how I knew, but deep down I knew this woman wouldn’t harm someone or do anything wrong.

Approaching Lyric, I reached out my hand to shake his. “No, dude, it’s all good. Are you here to use the gym, shoot, or what’s your poison today?”

The man loved it all, it was in his blood. But even if he could be lethal to those who did wrong, he was an exceptional guy, and when you got to know him you would see he had a soft side.

“I think I'll hit it all today.” He let out a deep chuckle and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Teal jump at the sound.

Then I heard Embry’s sweet voice cut through the tension and I turned fully to see her walk right up to Teal and slip her hand in hers as if they had known each other for years.

Embry was a sweetheart, but she wasn’t like that with just anyone. The little angel was like a dog. She had amazing instincts as to when someone was good and also when someone may not be so great.

Looked like I was spot on about Teal if the Embry meter said she liked her.

“I’m Embry. Come with me, my momma can help you dry off,” she said, practically dragging the grown woman away.

Once again Teal’s gaze caught mine just before she vanished down the hall with Embry and all the ladies in tow. I gave her a small nod of reassurance that everything would be okay and her body seemed to relax as if she’d been waiting for me to let her know she was safe.

When I thought there was no way she could harm anyone or would be trouble I was wrong because the woman was wreaking havoc on me and I was definitely liable to get hurt.

“Everything okay here?” Lyric’s deep voice asked, breaking into my thoughts.

“Yeah, man. It’s all good. Just someone here about the job. Let’s get you checked in.”

“You let me know if something changes and you need my help.”

It wasn’t a question, but a statement said loud and clear. It also wasn’t just said by a cop, but a former military guy and a man who had become our friend.

“Will do.”

I glanced over at the guys before starting to walk off with the big man following behind. Every one of my friends wore the same expression. I could read their minds loud and clear.

First, Teal was getting the job. And second, she needed our help and would get it.

I just hoped my heart could handle it.

* * *

Thirty minutes had goneby before the girls came back with Teal in tow.

From across the room, I drank her in, and just like when she first walked through the door ofNo Surrender,my emotions were being pulled in numerous directions. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but Alley had brought her to Braxton and before I knew it, she’d been following him down the hall toward his office. My feet were itching to move in that direction, but I held my ground.

I’d been busy talking to Lyric and getting him all checked in so I hadn’t spoken to Gyth or Landon who had been playing with the kids on the other side of the room. But just as I finished up Gyth approached, pulling me away from watching Teal’s second retreat.

“So, what do you think?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

I knew what he was asking, but I didn’t immediately offer my opinion. I was still trying to process my reaction to the woman and calm the quick sense of protectiveness I was feeling toward a complete stranger.

She doesn’t feel like one though.

“What do I think about what?” I lamely fired back at him, trying to play it cool.

Gyth released a deep chuckle along with a look that all but screamed, you’re not fooling anyone. But he wouldn’t stop there, no he had to call me on my bullshit and say it out loud.

“You haven’t fooled a single soul. Hell Embry probably caught on to the intensity rolling off you when Teal walked in.” Another laugh burst free.
