Page 36 of Teal's Savior

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Trying to lighten the thoughts running through my head, I smirked and said, “As long as they have pancakes.”

“Do you want to drive?”

My body jerked. “W-why would you ask that,” I asked, my voice wobbly. I didn’t want to admit my shortcomings. At my age I had a lot of them too.

“Teal, it’s okay if you don’t. I just thought I would ask in case you wanted to.

It was something I had always wanted to do and never got to. I ducked my head and told Kace the truth, even if it was hard.

“I don’t know how.” Who was going to teach me? My mom passed before I was old enough and my dad certainly wasn’t going to do anything like that for me. And Thad wouldn’t allow it when I asked to learn or try to get a driver’s license.

It was just another way for him to keep me captive.

“Sweetheart,” Kace’s silky, soft voice called out.

I raised my head at his endearment and looked into his eyes. He had called me a lot of those the night before and I didn’t know what to make of it, but it made me feel good.

“I can show you if you want to learn?”

And just like that, I couldn’t hold onto the little piece of my heart that broke free. I lost it to him right then. He didn’t tease me, he just offered to help.

“I’d like that,” I whispered.

“After we eat, I’ll give you your first lesson.”

My eyes went as big as saucers. “You’re going to show metoday?” Excitement raced through me.

“Sure, why not.”

And that was when I found myself in his arms for a second time in the span of twenty-four hours. Only this time it was for a totally different reason. I felt like a kid again. One who just got something really special she’d wanted forever, and it was Kace who was going to make that happen.

I practically tackled him, giddy as could be. At least the second time I wasn’t blowing snot all over his shirt. He held me with a soft embrace and let out a deep chuckle.

“I take it that you are happy with that plan.”

As I pushed back, I felt a smile break out across my face that was bigger than I ever remember and nodded my head yes.

Just as my stomach gurgled again.

“Okay, Little Momma, let's get you fed.”

* * *

I couldn’t believeI drove a car.

We were back at my place eating ice cream, me on the couch and him back on the chair, laughing about my driving session. After consuming way too many pancakes, along with bacon, eggs, and a big cold glass of milk, we found an empty parking lot.

Kace was calm, collected and I was still in shock that he let me drive his truck. In what he said was the first of just one of many sessions, it went amazing. We did have a few laughs over the squeals I made and funny noises when I sped up, turned, or as I tried to park in a spot correctly. It was exhilarating and I was still trying to come down from cloud nine an hour later.

It was the perfect day.

But then all days have to end and I wasn't looking forward to that. So, as I tried to stall time, I opened up some more to him.

“You know, if it weren’t for you I probably would have never even got a chance to do what I did today.” I sighed, wondering for a moment what I was doing. But I wanted to let some of the past I kept inside out.

“What makes you think that?”

With Kace’s gaze directly on me, it was hard to talk about stuff. I was scared of what I would see in his expressive eyes. So, I disconnected from his stare and glanced down at my lap as I started to talk.
