Page 57 of Teal's Savior

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And my downfall.

I’d been arguing with myself the whole way back into the building that I hadn’t even realized we were at my door until Kace stopped, his warm hand in mine, pulling free. Panic started to rise that I’d already messed things up by not giving him my attention. It was rude.

But when his hand slowly reached up and softly brushed a lock of hair from my eyes, then slid down to cup my cheek, I knew that Kace wasn’t mad. If I was reading him right he was waiting for permission.

To kiss me.

“If I say yes, it’s not goodnight, right?” I asked him breathlessly. Everything in me wanted the kiss, but a million questions ran through my mind. What if I was bad at it? What if I got scared and made a fool of myself? What if it wasn’t everything I had imagined it would be?

His thumb swiped gently over my bottom lip sending a jolt of desire through every cell in my body. “Stop thinking so much and just feel,” he whispered. “And of course, it’s not goodnight, you can’t get rid of me that easily.”

I didn’t want to get rid of him at all.

“May I kiss you?” he asked, his thumb still caressing my mouth, enticing me to give the answer he looked as though he craved.

“Yes,” I whispered.

And then his head was lowering, his eyes watching me as he descended on the target he was aiming for. The instant his mouth touched mine, a slow simmer started in my lips, then a raging fire sizzled when his tongue licked the seam of my mouth. I opened instantly and he took the kiss deeper as I battled the inferno he created.

With just a kiss.

If things went further I knew I would completely combust.

The door opened and I jumped back, our lips tearing apart abruptly.Way to go Teal.Both the realization that being intimate with Kace wasn’t far from my mind, nor did I fear the idea as I thought I would, and someone barging in on the moment, had startled me.

“Oops,” Alley said. “Carry on love birds.” And then she shut the door.

I glanced at Kace and he was shaking his head from side to side as he rubbed a hand down over his face. “That woman, I swear she did that on purpose.”

A soft giggle started and then grew into a bout of hard laughter. Alley was a damn hoot and the way she liked to stir the pot reminded me of Kace. It took a little while for me to see that side of him but it was no wonder the two of them got along so well.

Kace stepped back into my personal space, his eyes full of desire and a warm tingle raced through me.

“I want to taste your sweet lips again and never stop,” he said.

This time when he leaned in, I had hoped the door would stay firmly shut because I didn’t want it to stop either.

It was powerful, it was intimate, it was earth-shattering, and was everything I never imagined a kiss could be.

And it held promise.

* * *

My pulse pickedup at what I was about to do.

Denver was asleep in his bed and I had the baby monitor with me. Alley and Landon had left with their sweet girl. That was of course after she and Kace bantered back and forth about her spontaneous sneak attack on our intimate moment.

While Kace was scrolling through Netflix trying to pick out a movie, I went into my room and pulled an envelope out of the closet that I had tucked away. And while I once again thought that it might not be the right time, maybe ruining our date and all, something inside me had been telling me I needed to do it.

I shuffled back out to the front room moving toward the couch where Kace sat, my hand shaking as I laid the envelope down on his thigh. One that held some bad memories and images I wish I could strip from my mind. He knew what they were, I could see it in his eyes as they came to mine.

“Are you sure you are ready to show me?”

I appreciated him checking and always being patient with me. “I know they may come up with the divorce and I need you to see them first.” I was lucky to even have them. With the money I hid away I had to buy disposable cameras, then while shopping I would have to sneak and get them printed, hiding them in my clothes when I came out. It was a risk but one I hoped would pay off somehow.

“Okay, sweetheart.”

I didn’t know what to do with myself while he looked at them, but I couldn’t walk away either. His reaction could go so many ways and have a huge impact on our relationship. I chose to take a seat in the chair because there had been no way I could see the images again. I also didn’t need to, they showed up front and center in my nightmares.
