Page 59 of Teal's Savior

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He was alsohealingme.

And because of him I also knew whatlovewas.

I’d just hoped that one day I would truly be able to embrace it.



This was different.

I woke to Teal’s sweet scent tickling my nose and feminine curves pushed up against me, my hand splayed out on her full hip.

Something else was wide awake too. Something I needed to get under control before she woke up to it pressed into her luscious behind.

Lord knows I didn’t want to scare her.

She stirred in my embrace as Denver’s cry came through the monitor. I reluctantly released her and rose from the bed. It had been a good thing I was dressed and I had been hoping it would hide the rest of my arousal.

“I’ll get him,” I told her.

“You’re too good to me,” she mumbled, still half asleep.

She was cute when she wasn’t fully awake and I smiled.

“Not possible, sweetheart,” I replied as I headed out of the room to grab the baby.

The very one that was becoming my world just like his mother.

Teal was everything.

Strong. Beautiful. Caring. Loyal.

She was all those things and so much more.

And the best part of it all was she wasmine.



The quiet was startingto scare me.

It had been two months since I had the baby and I’d just been back at work for half of that time. Denver was allowed to come with me if I needed or wanted him to, and all the ladies offered to help anytime. I should’ve appreciated how things were going.

But something heavy weighed on my mind.

The divorce papers had been served to Thad four weeks prior, which hadn’t been signed. It was a little more complicated process with us in two different states and me petitioning for full custody of my son, but Landon and his friend had worked so hard on it and had been truly amazing. Everything was addressed and went through the big law firm that Landon’s friend worked for so my privacy was intact.

One monumental problem, Thad wasn’t the type of man to let anything stop him from going after what he wanted or finding a way around red tape. I assumed something would happen the second those papers had been left in the palm of his hand. I could picture his rage-filled eyes, the anger that would clearly be vibrating his body, and the lashing he wished to bestow on me.

Yet all was silent.

Maybe I was overthinking and it was something else that was causing the unsettled feeling inside me?

A week ago, I made Kace leave and sleep at his own place. And to be honest I hated it. It killed me, the nightmares were back, and I was on edge all the time.

Why did I do it then?
