Page 66 of Teal's Savior

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Shit, what do I do with a man like him?

I had no clue how to behave and honestly just wanted him to take the reins. When he crawled into bed and faced me once more, his body so close to mine with nothing between us, a shiver raced through me.

“I don’t know what to do,” I said out loud and then wanted to shove my head under the sheets and hide forever.

“Sweetheart, relax. It’s just me and you.” He rested his hand on my upper thigh and I scooted closer to him, leaving no space at all.

“Kace,” I started, letting out a deep sigh. “I need you to show me the way.”

As hard as it was to say, it was the truth. I was floundering in a sea of embarrassment but also need. I’d told him last night to make love to me, to show me what that felt like, and that’s what I wanted him to do. He seemed to sense my struggle.

Taking his hand from my leg, he placed it behind my knee and pulled my leg over his hip, lining up our cores perfectly. The heat and hardness of his erection sent a jolt of electricity to my lady parts.

Again only with Kace.

Never once during my marriage had I felt anything like that. But I didn’t want to think of that monster, this was about the only man that mattered.

Instinctively I circled my hips against him trying to extinguish the fire burning down there and both of us let out a groan. Kace’s, deep and gruff, sent another burst of flames where I needed them most but wasn’t sure I could handle.

“I n-need, I w-want...” I tried but failed to express what I was feeling.

Kace’s lips met mine in a soft, intimate kiss, as he took the hand on my knee and slid it between our bodies, making its way between my legs. He pressed the heel of his hand against me and one finger circled my clit rapidly, causing a moan to escape me. Then as quickly as he brought me to the brink, his hand was gone, and I was crying out at the loss.

But then he pushed my leg off him, rolled me to my back, and hovered over me, looking me straight in the eyes. “Are you doing okay? You with me?”

The man was checking in which was damn sweet, but what I needed was for him to finish what he started. Nodding my head, yes, I said, “Get on with it.”

He burst out laughing, the sound shooting straight to my heart and then he was gone. Sliding down my body, his head was now between my legs where his hand once was. He pushed my thighs wider, parted my wet folds, and with one swipe of his tongue I detonated.

He sucked, he licked, he nipped, and he took me so high I wasn’t sure I was ever coming back down again. But eventually, the sensation that had risen within me calmed and he stayed with me every step of the way. His head appeared from under the cover and a smug smile stretched across his strikingly handsome face.

“You’re proud of yourself aren’t you?” I posed it as a question but truly didn’t need an answer. He gave one anyway.

“You know it, babe.”

I laughed at the self-congratulatory man and then I realized I wanted to return the favor. Always something forced upon me, I never felt the yearning to please the way I did with Kace. But when I started to snake my hand down to his shaft, he stopped me. For a second I felt rejected until he spoke.

Taking my hand in his, he brought them back up to our chests. “Honey, I would love to let you touch me, but if I did, I would explode in an instant, I want you that bad. And when I go off and you come a second time, I want to be inside you.”

A shy smile lit my face, but I managed to tell him that I wanted that too.

Thinking we were both on the same page, I was caught off guard when he cursed. “Ah, shit.” Jumping out of the bed, he took out of the room, once again telling me he’d be right back.

He’d said that once before and while he had good reason and a heart of gold for not coming right back, this time I desperately needed him to.

He raced back into the room, with a triumphant smile, and a condom between his fingers. The man was adorable and thankfully smart. I had almost forgotten all about protection as he tipped my world upside down with lust. And then I giggled at his nakedness as he ran over, pounced on the bed, and tickled me.

“What are you laughing at, huh? I saw you staring at my noodle like you were starving.”

I burst into a fit of laughter at his playfulness, kicking my feet and squirming in all directions. Fun with sex? It was a pleasant surprise.

Then his onslaught stopped and he brought the package up to his mouth, ripping it open with his teeth, and rolled the condom on his shaft.

“I love you, Little Momma. Let me show you how much.”

Sucking in a deep breath, a lump in my throat formed and my heart almost pounded out of my chest.

“You love me?”
