Page 7 of Teal's Savior

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“Umm, I don’t have a phone, but I will be okay, thank you.” My life was a mess and on full display for this successful man to see.

That earned another frown before he told me to be safe.


I didn’t even know what that felt like.

“Shall we,” he said, motioning toward the door.

I got up from my chair and he gestured for me to go in front of him.

“We can head out to the lobby and if you have any other questions for me or anyone else, you can ask them so you feel comfortable come Monday.”

Slowly making my way out to where everyone was gathered, my gaze wandered the room until it landed on a pair of whiskey brown eyes. Just the thought of whiskey should repulse me, but when Kace had stepped close to me in the office, the flecks of gold shimmering in his orbs and the kindness I saw brought a sense of peace, not alarm.

They were however intense and trained on me as I stood listening to Braxton and Gemma talk. When Gemma spoke directly to me, I had to pull my stare from his and address the young woman who would be helping me on Monday.

“I look forward to seeing you Monday and showing you the ropes,” she said.

The girl seemed a little younger than the others and was going to school to be a teacher from what Braxton had said. She seemed sweet and was beautiful. I felt a little out of place surrounded by her and the other absolutely stunning ladies.

“Thank you. I appreciate it.” I didn’t get anything else out as my stomach chose that moment to rumble, screaming at me that the little one growing inside had waited long enough for me to eat.

Before I knew what happened another woman came up beside us and cuddled right into Braxton’s side so I assumed it was his wife. They all introduced themselves earlier and mentioned the husbands and kids, but it would take a little to remember who belonged to who and all their names.

My stomach growled again and I placed my hands on my round belly, as my cheeks heated in embarrassment. “I should be going,” I told them.

“Not before you get something to eat first,” a deep voice said from behind me.

Chills raced through me at the sound. I didn’t have to turn around to know who was there. Something just told me it was Kace. As I stood there still as a statue, I realized I didn’t know a thing about the guy who seemed to read my thoughts and actions. Was his wife around here somewhere? Did he have kids?

Something was telling me he didn’t. I also didn’t think he would have been bossing me around the way he just had if he did. Something about being told what to do didn’t sit well with me and I reacted to it.

“I know when to eat and not to!” I snapped a little too harshly as I spun around to face him.

Why the hell was the man grinning when I had just yelled at him? I don’t know what had gotten into me. It’s just for so long I had been told what to do and not to do, that I guess I hadn’t taken another order so well.

But I still couldn’t figure out why he would be smiling, and yet I had to admit it took him from extremely handsome to off the charts smoking hot. He had been more intense and brooding since I had walked in, the grin on his face was a whole new side to the man.

Not that it mattered.

“I’m sorry. I should have asked, not told you what to do. We all should have offered to begin with.”

These interactions were damn hard and I wasn’t doing so well. Especially when I glanced around and saw everyone watching the exchange. But I felt my baby do a little flip as if to tell me that he or she would gladly take him up on the offer.

“Something to eat would be great,” I said softly.

Then all of a sudden a ball of energy came bursting up, grabbed my hand, and pulled me in the direction of a table set up on the other side of the room.

“Momma,” the little girl from earlier shouted, “I’m gonna get my new friend some food.”

Everyone laughed but didn’t look at all stunned like I did at her comment. As we passed Kace, those eyes twinkled as humor danced in them. And maybe a little disappointment?

Or was that just me reading him wrong?

* * *

I may just haveto roll myself home.
