Page 3 of Brinley's Savior

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Rowan didn’t do relationships, he didn’t invest emotionally, and he obviously never cared for me the same way I had him. One time I thought maybe things had changed but he’d squashed that notion come morning.

The closest he got was his friendship with my husband and me at one time. He and Luke had been best friends before I came into the picture. And I wish I could have chosen which man to be in love with.

If only it could have been Luke.

As that thought crossed my mind my traitorous body, in the vicinity of my lower region, tingled with lust as Rowan stepped closer to me. And that had only ever happened with him.

Close enough to touch me, he reached out his hand and touched the side of my cheek. I should have moved, but just for a second, I was lost in the touch. I’d even leaned into the warmth of his palm as I remembered what it had felt like to be on the receiving end of Rowan’s caress.

“Mommy, I have to go pee,” my son said through the half-open window.

I pulled back, ashamed of myself for letting my guard down with the man that had stood in front of me and turned back to Zander needing to find him a bathroom. Opening the door, my little man was squirming in his seat with his hand covering his privates as if he could hold it in if it suddenly decided to spring a leak.

“Take him in the house and let him go to the bathroom,” Rowan said.

I unbuckled Zander and picked him up, swiveling around toward the house. When I glanced at Rowan his eyes were on my son, an odd look in his gaze that I couldn’t quite decipher.

“Mommy,” my little guy whined.

Shit, I was not rocking this mom thing at all right then.

Just then I saw Gyth headed right toward us, a beautiful blonde woman at his side. She’d been in the backyard when I first arrived looking for Gyth. But once I spotted Rowan, I turned around and ran. I couldn’t deal with him and yet he had followed me to the car where we’d stood, caught up in the first conversation we’d had in years.

I had mixed feelings about the couple approaching. On one hand, I was glad they were going to interrupt Rowan and me, but I also was nervous because we’d caused a little scene and it had been clear that they were celebrating something. And I’d interrupted.

Just as they reached us, Zander whined again saying he really had to go. The gorgeous woman's eyes softened and she pulled herself away from Gyth who had a protective arm wrapped around her waist when they walked up.

“Hey Brinley, I’m Summer. Gyth has told me a lot about you.”

I stilled for a moment, wondering what Gyth had said, but the radiant and genuinely friendly smile on Summer’s face made me relax instantly.

“Please, let me take you inside and show you where the bathroom is,” she said sweetly, looking at me and then at Zander. “Then, there are some kids outback playing if you want to join them after. If that’s okay with your momma?”

“Can I, Mommy, pretty please?” I looked at Zander and the hope in his eyes was not something I could turn down, especially after everything he’d been through. That face of his melted my heart every time and the little man had me wrapped around his finger.

Turning back to Summer, I said, “That would be great if we are not intruding.” I could hear the uncertainty in my voice, but I didn’t know all these people except for Gyth and Rowan. Gyth I didn’t know well at all but he was so kind to me when he’d come to me after Luke died. And Rowan I didn’t want to be around.

At least that was what I had to keep telling myself but everything in me was conflicted with so many emotions at seeing him again.

“You ladies take the little guy to the bathroom and then while he plays Brinley and I can talk,” Gyth said.

It was exactly what I had come for even if I didn’t know what good it would do. But now that I would be getting the chance I wasn’t sure what to say or how he could even help me.

Summer put out her hand toward the house and said, “Follow me.”

I started to walk off and glanced over at Rowan one last time. Big mistake. We had witnesses again and I knew the next comment he made would raise more questions.

“We’re not done talking, Brin.”

If I had anything to say about it we were. I could only handle so much at one time and I was already on overload.

Pushing back the tears that threatened to make a show, I marched after Summer with my world in my arms. My son was what I needed to focus on now.

Especially since someone was threatening to take him from me.


