Page 35 of Brinley's Savior

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She stayed with Luke.

My head was spinning in never-ending circles.

And like I told Braxton and Gyth, I’d seen them together when I finally caved to their request and came home. But what had I truly seen?

I rubbed the sides of my temples as a headache started to take hold.

Realization hit and my stomach bottomed out. I felt sick. How stupid could I have been? Brinley was honest about her and Luke never having sex before we’d been together that night. She’d been a virgin. And even though I may have broken her heart and hurt her, she wouldn’t have ever jumped into bed with someone else. Not even Luke.

She’d saved herself for someone she loved, she'd said.

Then she gave herself to me.

And because I couldn’t hold myself back any longer from all the feelings she provoked in me and the way I felt when I was around her, I let her.

Now I knew what I saw that day was Luke being Luke. He was just being the best guy he always was and once again stepped up to take care of Brinley because I hadn’t. Not only her but my son. He would sacrifice anything to be there for any of us.

But even knowing that I couldn’t help the anger that rushed through me. Anger toward them both for not pushing harder to tell me. Could I forgive them both? Luke wasn’t even around to speak his peace and Brinley didn’t seem to want to talk to me at all.

Maybe the question I should be asking was, should I be forgiven?

I may not have known, but that was my fault for not staying and hearing them out. I’d taken one look at them and made assumptions that caused so many problems. And then my best friend was gone.

After rubbing my hands over my face, I pushed them through my hair and pulled in frustration. How was I supposed to sort out all these feelings?

I’d just stood there and was given the truth about my son, and what did I do? I still walked away and didn’t listen.

Did Zander understand what had just happened? Was he sad or confused?

I had never wanted marriage or kids. I was too fucked up. I let my baby sister die. Putting other people's lives in my hands that I cared about and loved was not something I thought I could ever do again.

I didn’t deserve it.

But Zander was my son. There was no changing that and I already adored him. Brinley was his mother and I…I what? Loved her?

Hadn’t I always?

Could I be a good father?

My mind swirled with the questions. I don’t know how many hours I’d sat on my couch wishing the answers would come before several light knocks at my door pulled my attention.

Did I dare answer it with the state I was in?

* * *

I stood staringat the figure in the hall.

When the knocks had continued, I’d decided I better check it out.

Expecting it to be one of the guys, I was shocked when I pulled open the door and looked down to see who was there.

My son.


“Daddy-y, c-can I come in?” His little voice wobbled and a tear trickled down his cheek.

The sight almost killed me on the spot.
