Page 9 of Brinley's Savior

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That was when I found my feet moving and I was getting into position.

I was going to stomp his fine ass.

When I realized his ass had crossed my mind, my cheeks turned warm and I stumbled a little as I brought the ball up to serve. Getting my bearings, I closed my eyes and pictured the old days. I knew this game and I hoped it was like riding a bike. Because when I opened them and saw the smirk on Rowan's face, I knew exactly where my target was.

He was going down.



She was fucking magnificent.

Even if she had handed me my ass.

On the first serve, the ball slammed over the net right in front of me. I dove and I missed.

Every woman screamed with glee and the men chuckled when I landed with a big oof as I hit the ground.

“Damn I wish I’d been recording that,” Kace said from beside me.

“You got schooled, man,” Lyric added.

My head came up and I glared at the guys. Then, I looked at Brinley who was wearing a triumphant expression on her stunningly beautiful face.

I was in deep shit.

And so was she because I had no intention of letting her hide from me.

We had a lot to talk about.



Oh shit.

I knew that stubborn look on Rowan’s face. I may be sticking around, but I had to put an ocean of space between us. He lost his chance at reconciliation a long time ago. I was still pissed, but also very hurt. Friends didn’t leave each other the way he had. And it wasn’t just me he left, it was Luke too.

He would never know what else he’d left behind.

All I wanted to do was start a new life, but it didn’t look like that could happen where I’d thought because this was where Rowan’s life was. Disappointment settled in the pit of my stomach. The ladies, Gyth, and even the other guys seemed to be nice people, and there were kids Zander’s age around too, but it wasn’t possible.

I’d almost forgotten we were playing a game while I was thinking until I heard Zander yell out to me and the other kids cheering.

“Go, Mommy, you can do it!”

I smiled over at my special little guy and then my head snapped to Rowan who was getting ready to serve. He had a devious smile on his face. I glared at him as my body vibrated with the need to show him a thing or two.

If I still had it in me.

I held my breath as he threw the ball up in the air with his left hand. Then his right arm came up, muscles bulging, and he served with no mercy. The ball came flying straight for me and I jumped up as it skimmed the net putting everything I had into the spike that had the ball barreling right back at him.

It hit him right in the head. A stunned look flashed across his handsome face as the guys roared with laughter and the women came running at me. All of a sudden I had multiple sets of arms thrown around me and they were jumping up and down.

The kids yelled with glee and Zander screamed, “That’s my mommy!”

“Girl, you showed him!” Alley yelled.
