Page 24 of Unraveled by Desire

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He shoots me a wink. “You were badass.”

I blink at him as my shoulders start to feel heavy. “Um, thanks.”

“All right,” Atlas says, snagging my attention as he plucks keys from the pocket of a dark-haired dead vampire, and walks over to us. He tosses the keys to Lex and a lighter to Kade. “Let’s get this dealt with and be on our way.” He invades my personal space without hesitation and grips my chin, looking into my eyes. “Okay?” he says in a quieter voice.

I manage a subtle nod in his grasp.

“Good girl.”

I turn away from him as my cheeks heat because I should definitelynotbe turned on right now, but the warm tingling between my legs apparently didn’t get the memo.

I just killed someone.

Granted, that someone was a monster who absolutely deserved it. That doesn’t change the fact I now have blood on my hands—literally.

I walk over to Selene’s body, crouching before it, and exhale a shaky breath before reaching for my dagger and pulling it out of her chest. Using the bottom of her dress, I wipe the white ash as clean as it’ll come and return it to the holder strapped to my thigh, standing and walking away from my first kill.

Something tells me if I choose to remain in the world of the supernatural, it won’t be my last.

* * *

Back at the hotel, we take the elevator to our room without a word to each other. The silence is deafening, but I also can’t bring myself to speak. What would I say, anyway?Great job, team?

Once we’re inside our suite with the door closed, I finally ask, “Has anyone heard from Fallon?”

Gabriel pulls his phone from his back pocket and nods. “Jase is okay. Fallon got him fed and he’s healing normally. She said to call once things are settled so they can bring our car back.”

“That’s good,” I say, pulling off my dirty shoes and dropping them near the door. “I’m glad he’s okay.” When I straighten, the room spins around me, and I reach out for anything to steady myself.

Gabriel is there in an instant, sliding his arm around my waist. “Easy there. Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

I lean into him as we walk past the kitchen, where Lex and Kade are drinking tall glasses of blood. Atlas took a call out on the terrace the moment we got in, and I already know I don’t want to hear what it’s about.

In the bathroom, Gabriel leaves me leaning against the marble vanity for a brief moment while he slides the double doors closed and turns on the shower. When he returns to me, he says, “Arms up.”

I comply without protest, and he pulls my shirt off over my head, dropping it into the sink behind me. Next is my bra, then my leggings and panties. I lower my gaze, huffing out a sigh. “This is so annoying. I shouldn’t need help taking a fucking shower. I just…” I choke on the lump in my throat, blinking hard at the tears forming in my eyes.

I’dwantedto kill Selene. God knows she deserved it. It should have feltgoodto punish her for what she did to me, to Gabriel. But killing another person—vampire or not—seems to be taking a toll on me I certainly wasn’t expecting.

“It’s okay,” Gabriel assures, holding his hands out to me. I take them, letting him lead me toward the shower. He pauses at the large glass door, and in the time it takes me to blink, he undresses.

I’m not sure I’ll ever be entirely used to all the vampire quirks.

We step under the hot spray of water, and I sigh, closing my eyes as it cascades over my stiff shoulders and back, loosening my muscles almost instantly.

Gabriel stands behind me, pouring rose-scented body wash into his hand and starts massaging it into my skin, his touch careful and tender.

“Hmm. That feels good,” I murmur, tipping my head back against his chest.

“I’m glad,” he says softly.

I pry my eyes open and turn to face him after several blissful moments. “I should have said this already,” I say, tilting my face to meet his soft silver gaze. “I, uh, I’m sorry.”

He frowns faintly. “I don’t understand.”

“About Selene. You wanted her gone as much as the rest of us—probably more—but I’m sure losing her isn’t easy, so I just… I want to make sure you’re okay.” Some of the pressure in my chest lessens when Gabriel smiles at me.

“Oh, angel,” he murmurs, cupping my cheeks in his hands. “You don’t know how much that means to me. I assure you, I’m all right. Yes, there is a physical loss I can feel, but mostly, it’s relief. Like there’s been a significant weight lifted from my chest. An absence of pressure. I am thankful you had the strength and courage to do what I could not.” He leans in, closing the remaining distance between us, and slants his mouth over mine, kissing me deeply. Warmth floods through me, and I press as close as I can get as our mouths move together. Gabriel parts my lips with his tongue, flicking it along the roof of my mouth and making me gasp as the hardness between his thighs teases my entrance. His hands move from my face to my hips, gripping them firmly and guiding me backward until the backs of my knees touch the shower bench. His lips leave mine, trailing along my jaw to my neck, and he inhales deeply. “I’d like nothing more than to taste you right now,” he breathes against my skin.
