Page 26 of Dirty Saint

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Chapter 17


I'm a girl who enjoys sex, and I've always thought I'd had a lot of satisfying encounters. Still, absolutely nothing in my life could match what I experienced with Ares last night.

When he took me against the wall in the kitchen, I almost wept from the intensity of the orgasm. He came into that kitchen last night with heat radiating off his fine body. When he gave me an out, I knew I'd never deny him because I was excited by the prospect of what his eyes promised. I could feel it when he pulled my hair and touched me that no matter what tomorrow would bring, I wasn't going to overthink it or deny myself. I'll not lie and say he made love to me. No, plain and simple, Ares fucked me with a raw intensity that was both exhilarating and unexpected. It wasn't about pain, though, no far from it, it was about rage, lust, and uncontrollable forces. If he asked me to run away with him, I'd do so with my eyes wide open. Not that Ares had any plans of whisking me away to live in some sex induced coma. I did, however, feel a vulnerability in his touch that I would never name out loud. The great bully himself would only deny it. However, I would keep this in my heart forever and take it out on days when I could bask in the glow of our night together. Was I in love with him? Maybe.

Maybe I was already in danger of the pain of someone like Jamison Walker plowing down my defenses and taking far more than he could give back. I honestly didn't care at this moment. What Zoe said to me resonated, life was too short, so I wasn't going to regret this, come what may.

I'd been awake for a while, thinking these thoughts. Ares had collapsed on the bed after taking me from behind and was lightly snoring a moment later. After I cleaned up in the bathroom, I'd gotten into the other side of the bed and lay facing him. I know I'd slept some because when I woke up, Ares was behind me, arms draped over my body, and I was facing the opposite wall. I got the impression at some point between orgasms that Ares couldn't settle, so maybe his body finally succumbed to his exhaustion.

I finally decide to move and use the bathroom when I hear his sleepy voice.

"Where are you going?"

"To pee, and maybe see if you have any coffee," I reply.

"What time is it?"

"Not sure," the digital clock on the other side of the room is obscured from my view.

Ares shuffles to look over his shoulder and sighs, "It's 8 am. I should get ready to leave for the hospital."

I sit up and look at him still laying on his back, "how's QB doing?"

"He's okay. Someone ran him off the road."

"Holy shit," I'm stunned.

Ares looks over at me, touching some of my hair that's fallen over my shoulder, and asks, "did I hurt you?"

"No," I affirm.

"You wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

"Not about that," I promise.

Ares smirks and leans into me to quickly kiss my lips. I want to linger longer, but I can feel this escape from reality is over.

"Do you think it was the Havoc Ryders," I ask as Ares gets out of bed?

He looks back at me and pauses, and I continue shrugging my shoulders, "I just figured that was a likely guess."

"I think so, but my Sgt at Arms is less convinced," Ares scowls.

I sigh and get out of bed too. I walk down the hall to the other bathroom Ares has so I can clean up a bit and leave.

I know he has far too much on his plate right now.

As I watch Ares pull away from the house on his bike, I decide to see Gavin. If the club has doubts about the Havoc Ryders, maybe I can do something to help. There is no way in hell Gavin would talk to Ares. I'm not stupid enough to think I can solve this, even I know club loyalty is everything, but it can't hurt to try.

I get my phone out of my purse as soon as I sit in my car.

"Hi Gavin, it's Willow. I'd like to talk about yesterday. Where are you?"

The response isn't immediate, but I do hear the notification as I stop at a light.

"Bill's Bar on Highway 6."
