Page 11 of Zeus's Sinner

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"Ema?" I ask, assuming that it's his wife.

"Yes?" She replies.

"Hey, Is Sven around?" I ask, still unsure as to why it's her answering the phone and not him. He never doesn't answer the phone.

"Um... He... hold on. Here's Katarina." She says softly as she hands off the phone. My stomach drops and I stare at the phone as the seconds tick by on the display.

Something's happen. I hope there wasn't a fight or something, and I wasn't there to take on my part. I don't know why they didn't call me. Why didn't someone tell me what was going on? A thousand possibilities roll through my mind as I wait on pins and needles for Katarina to get to the phone.

"Hello?" She finally answers, and I blow out the breath I had no idea I'd been holding.

"Kat, are you okay? What's happening? Where's Sven?"

"Relax Zeus, Sven's fine. They're all at the hospital." She says, and my eyes near bug out of my head. If they are all at the hospital, that means that someone isn't fine.

"Why? Who was harmed?" I ask trying to get some information.


A pin drops in my head. No way. There's no way in fuck that man would let anyone get the drop on him. It almost happened once but at the last second he found a way out, and it was a massacre that ended up with the Varva family on it's last legs.

"What? What happened? Someone attacked him?" I ask, voicing my disbelief.

She chuckles, "No, he attacked himself. The man had a heart attack. The doctor said he hadn't seen anyone with arteries as clogged as his since medical school. He needs a double bypass surgery. He'll be out of commission for a long while. Sven and Luka are running around trying to get everything in order while they make this transition."


"Yeah, Sven says the both of them are taking over as head of the family."

I suck in a quick breath, and I can't stop the smile from breaking over my lips. "Does Marko know?"

"No, and I'm actually a little worried for my brothers. I don't think my father is going to like being forced out of his seat, heart attack or not." She chuckles and then clears her throat. "What's going on over there. Is everything okay?"

"Not really, I wanted to speak with Sven about something that I walked up on while I was up here investigating this Father Joseph."

Katarina hums slightly, "Is it life-threatening? Will it bring us down?"

"That I don't know." I answer honestly.

"Well, I'd suggest you find out before you bring it to any of their attention. Right now, they are both stretched thin." She warns me and I can completely understand.

"You're right. I'll call back in a day or so when I have additional information. Wish the family the best for me. Get Marko a salad." I joke and Katarina groans.

"He's going to be insufferable."

"I don't envy you guys at all."

We say our goodbyes and I hang up the phone.

Everyone knows how Marko is about his food. Telling him to diet is like asking for him to shoot you in the face. No one wants to do it.

I drop back down on the bed and groan myself when I realize what this means. I'm going to have to go back to that church. Back to the little plane and almost certain death.

I hate flying. I hate it more than anything in the world. I didn’t used to until I had to fly here in Alaska. I'm not even sure why. It's just something about being up so high in that cold air, with nothing but a thin sheet of metal between me and a deadly fall. I’d be frozen before my body hit the ground. I know it's irrational, but that doesn't make it any less real for me.

On a better note, at least that means I get to go back and see Sister Inessa. Silver linings and all.

