Page 14 of Zeus's Sinner

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I turn my eyes back on him and squint at the question. What did that have to do with anything? "Yes, I've only been touched by God." I answer and his eyes brighten.

"Lucky for me. Seems as if you met a God in the flesh."



"She scoffsat me and rolls her eyes. "Does that get you a lot of play with the women because I promise you it's more than just weak, it's immature." I laugh right along with her.

"It's not so much a play it's just what I'd call destiny, even my mother knew I was designed for great things. It's why she named me Zeus, you know, after the God of thunder, father to the rest of them." I shrug and give her a bit of lineage about my name. She squints at me for a second before she smirks, and the smirk turns into a laugh.

"Are you serious. Is your name actually Zeus?"

"It is, and it's quite odd, especially since I'm Croatian, but that's what she wanted to go with, and I can't knock her for putting me on the path to greatness right from the start of my life."

Inessa sighs and strains her arms. "Look, Zeus, I'm not sure what you're looking for here, but I assure you that I'm not going to be able to help you find it. I only just took my first vows. I haven't really been here long enough to know what is going on behind the scenes." She admits to me.

"Ah, So you're a fresh nun then? Still over thinking your life choices?"

"No, I'm steady with my choices and in my calling, it's just that I have to go through a training period before they'd actually take me on. I don't intend to mess that up with you." She says, looking down her nose at me.

"Didn't you already mess that up with me. Last I checked, sisters aren't supposed to kiss me back the way that you did.

"I did nothing out of the ordinary. You kissed me and my body reacting purely off adrenaline responded. Anyone would have done the same thing." she says, looking away from me, and I have to shake my head at her denial.

My little Inessa wants me and even though I’m not going to force myself on her, I'm going to have a lot of fun getting her to admit to herself that this is more than just adrenaline running through her body.

She's not meat to hide underneath that habit, she's meant to be shown to the world. My body stiffens at that thought, and not in a good way. Not to the world. To me only.

"Inessa, you don't have to be here for a long while to know that something is amiss. I know Father Joseph is working for some less than savory people, and I need to find out what they are hiding, so I can either get it out of here or warn the appropriate people. You want to be responsible for a nuclear incident because you thought keeping a secret was the best thing to do?" I try to drive my point home again, probably giving up way more information than I needed to give up.

"No. Nuclear? You think he's got a hand in something as alarming as that? I can't imagine." She says her mouth open a little wide, and I'm having to hold myself back from taking those lips again with mine.

She asked me to stop and even though she probably doesn't think I mean it, I will honor her wishes until she gives me a real reason to break her trust again. I think I want to wait for her to ask me for it. Let her pull herself out of her own denial.

"I do. That was what I was here to look into in the first place. Please help me. If you know of anything that seems to be a bit off, just let me take a look at it and if it's not what I'm searching for, I can leave, and we never even have to mention this to anyone." I cross my arms over my chest, and she glares at me for a second.

"You know I mentioned your visit to mother superior, she seemed a bit spooked that there was someone here looking for Father Joseph. She didn't tell me why, but it made me think that she was hiding something, Look I'm going to help you simply because I want you to get out of here, but I'm not going to help you steal anything or do anything that will harm anyone else. If that what you think you're going to get me to do, then you can just forget it right now."

"I understand perfectly, you have my word that I will do my best. "

"Fine," She says and stares at me pointedly.

"What?" I ask.

"How do you expect me to help you look for something if I'm trussed up like this up here?" She wiggles slightly, and I remember that I have her tied up to the wall.

"Ahh, that’s right. Apologies." I walk over to her slowly and instead of just reaching up and letting the string go, I grab hold of her leg and pull up so her legs are wrapped around my waist. She can feel just how much I want her though my pants.

She gasps out, and I grind against her once just for good measure before I reach up and release the rope from her wrist. I drop her down right away, and she takes a step back, though her breath is still coming in fast. Her pupils are blown, and her cheeks are the color of sweet strawberries.

I know the woman wants me, and I'm more than willing to wait until she admits it to herself.

* * *

After speakingwith Inessa for a few more minutes to give her a clue as to what I think I might be looking for, she tells me that there was a bit of a ruckus a few days ago in the basement.

"Mother superior and Father said there were vermin that needed to be exterminated, but the workers came so late at night and there was one of them that had on a suit. It struck me as odd, but I didn't think anything more of it. Maybe that was his supervisor or something like that?" She shrugs her shoulders and I stare at her with a bemused look.
