Page 26 of Zeus's Sinner

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With the wind to my back, I hide in the trees that line the courtyard and watch through the gate as Desmon yells and points a finger in Father Joseph's face. I really don't care if the man lives or dies, but part of me does feel bad that he seems so caught up in this mess. If he were just loyal to the family that wasn't trying to kill him, then maybe this shit wouldn't be happening.

I sit back for another second, just listening to what the two of them are talking about.

"I told you it was there when we left. I don't know what she could have done with it. The girl is here alone, only recently took her first vows. She doesn't even know what any of it means." Father Joseph says, using a whining voice.

"She doesn't know what it means? If she doesn't know what it means, what did she run away for?" Desmon yells at Father Joseph

"What do you mean? You tried to kill her, of course she'd run away." He says as if it were the simplest answer in the world. It's the one answer that truly gets my blood boiling. This is the man that Inessa trusted, and he let Desmon hurt her. Desmon is just some random muscle from the Giles camp, and he put his hands on what was mine. Both of them could kill each other for all I care.

"I tried to kill her?" Desmon repeats before his hands snap out and grab hold of Father Joseph's neck. How lucky.

"Stop it! Let him go! Stop!" I look up, and I see the sisters of the church leaning out their window throwing things out. Aiming at Desmon.

"All of you, fucking dead!" He shouts before he lets Father Joseph go. The man's limp body hitting the ground like a bag of potatoes. I run in behind him, keeping low so Desmon doesn't see me.

"Oh god, who are you?" I see Mother Superior as I get into the convent. She is standing at the door with her back against the wall.

"Don't fear me. You need to gather all the sisters and get them out. Fast. The convent is going down."

"No, please don't. We'll have nowhere to go."

"You should have thought about that when you chose Rupert Giles to work for. Now either stay in here and die or get the hell out." I snarl at her, and she sees that what I'm saying is real. No matter what she says, this building is going down.

Mother superior nods her head and then takes off to get the women out of the building. Instead of going up to deal with the sisters, I see the back of Desmon's back as he walks down the stairs towards the basement.

I follow behind.

The second I get into the door I know it's a trap, the lights are out and something heavy hits my face. I put my hand up, but it's too late, I'm already pitching forward and down the stairs. In the last second, I grab hold of the person throwing the blows, and the both of us tumble down the stairs together. Wood cracks and boxes tumble over as we come careening down.

"You just don't fucking learn, do you?" Desmon snarls at me.

"No, but I can hold a fucking grudge. You put your hands on someone who doesn't belong to you, and now you have to fucking die"

"What the hell are you talking about? Who... Oh… oh, you got a piece of that sweet nun pussy. I guess I can understand why you're so ready to fucking die." He says and even though I can't see him well I hear his motions as he lunges for me. I roll quickly, getting out of the way before I find the nearest hard object and throw it at the closest window. A burst of moonlight filters into the room, it's not the best, but it'll do.

We circle each other like wild animals, both trying to get the last scrap of food before there's nothing left. Neither one of us willing to give in to the other. The only difference is I have more to fight for. The chance to never see those tears in my woman's eyes again.

We trade punches, until he gets me to the ground and tries to over power me. I reach up behind my head and feel a large carving. An old, rotted wood crucifix that must have sat in the center of the main altar in the church.

The wood is breaking away, but the metal stakes are still solid. I pull one out using the rest of my might and slam it down hard on Desmon's back.

"Ah, you piece of shit!" He rears up and that's enough time for me to dislodge him. I push him down to the ground and wrap my legs around his neck, pulling his arm through to suffocate him. I hold him in that position, praying that he's scared as his life flashes before his eyes. I keep hold of him long after he stops moving, and only when I hear police sirens in the distance do I know it's time for me to move.

I stand up and in that second my phone rings.

Out of all the fucking places for me to get reception, it's down in the fucking basement.

"Yeah?" I say out of breath.

"Zeus, you need to get the package right now and get over to the dock. Sever is only there for another thirty minutes. He can't wait, and it's the last time you're going to be able to get out. He says there's a shit ton of police headed your way. He can hear over the CB. You need to hustle up. Leave now." Sven orders me, and I'd be happy to do exactly what he asks, except if I leave now I can't go back to Inessa. She's going to think that I abandon her.

"I can-"

"If that's your woman, she'll wait. You need to leave now. It's a fucking order!" Sven snaps at me before hanging up the phone.

I can't even call her. Nothing. Shit.

I grab the suitcase, making sure it's still closed, and I rush up the stairs. I grab one of the lanterns and toss it into the downstairs against all the old moldy boxes. The basement ignites quickly and flames are eating up the wall before I fully get out of the stairwell.
