Page 29 of Zeus's Sinner

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"Fred, what did I say?" I stand in the doorway and put my hands on my hips until he gives me his attention.

"Sheesh, you sure you were only a sister for a few years. I'd have though a lifetime. So strict." He says as he swivels in his chair to look at me. "Now, what did you want me to do." His eye squints slightly.

"Take the deposits to the bank." I repeat.

"Oh yeah, I will on my way home this afternoon. Have a good day off." He says and I wave bye. I'd been working hard for the past two weeks and today is the only day that he honestly doesn't have anything for me to do, so he's letting me have the rest of the day to just relax. He says he doesn't want to burn me out.

I don't mind having some idle time. I seem to be having a good time catching up on the reality shows I missed while being cut off from the world. This week it's Jersey Shore.

I grab my second hand coat and walk out the office towards the exit of the dock.

"Motherfucking Alaska. How do people even fucking live here. Is there a magic word I have to say to get service?" A man moves from side to side as he tries to juggle his phone and his baggage.

Not just any man, but Zeus.

I swallow my tears down as I watch him move his phone in the air, trying to find some reception. I should just let him go. He's not expecting to see me here, and the last thing I want to do is make him feel embarrassed.

We had a great time together. One I'll never forget. Even though it was life altering for me, I can only assume it was just another day for him.

He takes a step away from me, and there's a pull deep inside of me urging me to go to him. My instincts that I fought so hard to bury. It'd make me happy to see him again, I'm in the business nowadays of doing things that I want.

"Zeus." I say lightly, not wanting to cause too much of a scene and also to give him a chance to ignore me if he wanted.

When he cocks his head in my direction, I hold my breath and wait to see what he's going to do. Finally, he fully looks over his shoulder and sees me standing here.

"Inessa, my little lost lamb." He drops everything in his hands and in a rush comes over to me. He kisses me like I'm the most precious thing in the world to him. "Where have you been? I searched and searched for you."

"You did?" I ask incredulously.

"Yes, I did." he pulls back and runs his hands over any part of my body that he can touch.

"But you... you left?"

"I had to. We have a ship that we use to transport certain things, and it was my only chance to get out of the area with the suitcase. I couldn't call you, and I didn't have time to go back and leave you a message. By the time I made it to deliver the suitcase and back, you'd already left and hadn't gone back to the convent. I've been back every weekend to search for you in this frozen tundra." He holds me tighter, and I can feel the emotions rolling off him.

"Where have you been staying? What have you been doing? How are you?" He asks me a million questions, that smile I love plastered on his face with each one. The man seems happy.

"I've been living. You seem so happy." I say, squinting my eyes at him.

"Of course I am. I meant every word I said before Inessa. I want to make you feel good all the time. I'm going to be around until you order me away."

My eyes go wide, and I clutch his arm, "Here? In Alaska?"

"Yeah, I didn't know what you were going to do about the church and that. I didn't want to push you, but I've been looking into buying that Airbnb that I rented while I was here. I'd have to leave a few days a week for work, but I'd be here as often as possible."

"You hate it here." I remind him.

"With a passion, but I want to keep you in my life more."

I close my eyes and let his words wash over me. "Oh, Zeus, don't buy the house."

His face falls just a bit, barely noticeable, but I notice. "That's okay, I still would like to keep in touch with you."

"Zeus, take me to your home. I think I've had enough Alaska for a lifetime."

"Fuck, you mean it? Really... you want…" he slams his mouth to mine, "You're sure? I mean... fuck... really?" He kisses me again, and I laugh at his display of affection.

"You're horrible. I think you have thoroughly corrupted me." I admit.
