Page 31 of Zeus's Sinner

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"I told you that it would go down like that." I keep my tone respectful. I thought that I would get in trouble for this, I'm ready to take whatever punishment they give. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

"We know. You did well. We actually called you here to discuss your placement in the family. Right now, you're a Bratok, but we've moved Liam up to Obshchaka, we were going to move you up to Avtoritet.

I'm stunned. They were moving me from just being one of the Bratoks to overseeing all of them. It would be an intense job, but I was up for the challenge.

"If you believe that's the right place for me, I'd be grateful to take it." I say trying to keep my excitement at bay.

"What the hell is this? Did that woman inject you with a humbleness drug." Luka jokes and I smile at him.

"I think so. Whatever the hell she's doing, I'm here for it." I shrug.

"I'm glad you found her. Now that we got that out of the way, we have other business to handle. We need to figure out a way to bring Rupert Giles down. He might have gotten away with all this shit when Marko was running things, but it's a new day in the Juric Family, and it's time he meet the ones who will put him down." Sven says, and I move in closer to join in on the conversation.

I was intimidated by Marko when he ran things, but the pure hatred I see in Sven's eyes lets me know that the reign of the Juric family is about to rise to new and ever bloody heights.
