Page 5 of Zeus's Sinner

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I'm grateful that there is a car rental service on the small island. I don't want to be stranded here without any transportation. More than one person has already told me that if I need anything, I should get it before the storm rolls through. Apparently, once it snows up here, it's very difficult to get anything out of the stores.

My butter soft boots do nothing to stop the cold from seeping into my toes, and I'm grateful for the automatic heater when I walk into the small Enterprise dealership to pick up my truck.

"Ah, you must be the man who called earlier for the truck?" A less than animated older man says as he turns off his small television and directs his attention to me.

"Yeah, that'd be me. Is it ready?" I ask, pulling out my wallet ready to pay my bill.

"Yeah, it's the last one in the lot, but there were a few pieces of the application that were left empty that we need you to fill out before I can just let you walk off with it." He says, raising an eyebrow as he slides a form in my direction.

"Is it usual that people take off with the vehicles you provide." I ask him, mirroring his attitude and pushing the forms back. Honestly, on an island as small as this, where can someone actively hide a truck? It seems a bit backwards to be worried about theft. If I wanted to, I could buy the vehicle straight out, but I didn't want to have to worry about trying to find a way to register the vehicle. Not when I didn't intend to stay here for very long.

"No, but then again, we don't have people wanting to rent vehicles here. Most everything is within walking distance. That only means you're not a local and therefore need to fill out the paperwork." He pushes the form back in my direction again.

Smart man. Annoying like everyone else in this town so far, but smart.

I fill the form out with the bogus identity I created for myself, Dirk Reese, is what it says on my passport and license. If he ran it in the system, there would be nothing for him to find.

Mostly because I'm a savant when it comes to creating these documents, and secondly because I just conjured this person out of thin air. There isn't anything on any report for anyone to find.

"Great, now did you need anything else. The Land Rover does come standard with a GPS, but I can let you know the few places you can go if you need anything during your time here." he offers, and I just glare at him for a second until he gets the point. There's nothing around here that I'm going to need besides to get this job done.

A whopping three miles from the car rental place, I find myself in front of a small, one-story home that I rented out for my time here. The keys are left in the mailbox, just like the owner told me it would be.

I'm slightly disappointed that the woman I'm renting from isn't here. From the interactions that we had online, I was really looking forward to seeing if she was as flirty in person as she was via chat.

"That's not what you're here for, idiot." I chide myself.

After parking the truck in the driveway, I make my way into the house, a small living room with a stand-up piano and a beach portrait hanging over the fireplace. None of the furniture actually matches, but it does have a rustic feel to it. I realize that there's no television to be found, but a shit ton of books. "Seems like I'm going to have a lot of reflection time." I complain and move into the bedroom.

I'm happy to find that instead of the rustic grandma-esque quality of the furniture in the main room, the bedroom is a bit more modern. There's a large oak sleigh bed. A small writing desk and lounge chair in front of a fireplace. More books line the wall and a small radio. Again no television.

After I put all my bags down, I unpacked my small camera and PDA. I'm going to need to gather a bit more evidence about the man I'm here to see. It's not everyday I have to blackmail a priest.

It takes me only a few minutes to get out of the house, but by the time I walk back outside, the temperature seems to have dropped yet again.

"Fucking hell, how can it get so damn cold so quickly"? I pull my wool coat tighter around my body. Jumping into my truck and driving the half a mile down the road, I park the vehicle behind a bunch of evergreen trees and continue the trip on foot. I pull my camera out and settle behind the closest tree that looks into the backyard of the convent.

Joseph Compt was an associate of the Juric family for years and when he was about to be sent off to prison, Marko stepped in and made sure all the charges were dropped.

In return, Joseph was supposed to make sure that there was a place for us to be able to unload any of our materials from the crab boats that we can't get directly into the mainland of the United States. As of late, he's been unavailable.

I pull my camera out and peek through the eyehole. The first thing I see is a barren garden area in the back of the convent, standing there washing the windows is a woman who literally knocks the frigid air out of my lungs.

She's a sister, dressed in a full habit. Even completely covered from head to toe, she's gorgeous.

Maybe this trip won't be all that bad after all. As long as I get a little closer to that forbidden fruit.



Instantly,my cock outweighs any rational thought in my head. I should be staying back and out of sight, but the pull of this woman is far too strong. How the fuck did she wind up a nun? I slide my camera into my coat pocket and walk towards the path that leads to the back of the convent. I don't want to come out through the trees and scare her. I don't want her screaming unless it's of my name.

When I get close enough that I can see the gorgeous chocolate brown of her eyes, I call out for her attention, "Excuse me, Sister?"

"Oh by God." She jumps and puts a hand to her chest. The motion pressing the fabric of her robe against her body and showing off that she is anything but flat chested.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. I saw you working back here and thought that maybe I could speak with you for a second." I say as I stop right at the locked back gate.
