Page 18 of Best Man Rancher

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“Fair enough.”

Silence lapsed between them. “This is very nice of you.”

“Well,” he said, shrugging as he looked down at the grill, “we are about to be family and all that.”

“Not really. I meanwe’renot. It’s not really like that.”

“I guess not. But functionally it kinda feels that way.”

She turned a small circle, then separated from him and went and sat down on the couch nearby. Her hands clasped in her lap.

“So,” he said. “What is it you do exactly?”

She laughed. “What is it that I do?”

“Yeah. Your sister’s an EMT, and you...”

“I make jewelry. I bead things. I sell a lot of it online. But... Yeah. You know. Things like that.”


“Yeah. Do you not frequent the farmers markets around here?”


“Well. I’m very good. But mostly, I’m lucky to have family land, which I also work.”

“Yeah. That is nice. I also benefit from that.”

“And you’re still riding...bulls?”

“I am indeed. Still riding bulls, and traveling around when I can.”

“How long does a person do that? The bull riding thing.”

He shrugged. “As long as your body can take it. Though, I admit it’s not as easy as it used to be.”

“What makes a person want to do that?” She was looking at him, something bright and mysterious burning in her eyes just then.

“Family business.”

“And that’s it? You do it because you saw the people before you do it?”

She looked a little bit disturbed by that fact. “Aren’t we all doing that to some degree or another? I mean, it’s easiest to take a path that you’ve seen forged, isn’t it?”

“Maybe,” she said.


“I don’t know. I was feeling like maybe I’m not all that adventurous. But... You make bull riding sound the same as deciding to get married and have kids just because your parents did it.”

“In a lot of ways, it’s the same. You do this thing that seems like a legacy, I guess.” But he felt a strange pang in his chest, and he didn’t want to think too deeply about why.

“Except, you haven’t done that part.”

“No interest in it. So yeah, I guess it’s not exactly the same. I knew how to get into the rodeo because it’s the family business. But I don’t have a whole lot of interest in the domesticity part. I have enough of it with the family I have.”

“Makes sense.”
