Page 34 of Best Man Rancher

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“Is that a confession?”

“You think what you think. What does it matter what I say or not?”

“Nothing. Just...”

“Yeah. I know. Be careful. Be careful with her because... All those reasons.”

“Yes. All those reasons. Unless you’re about to make like Chance and get everything together and make forever...”

“I get that you think she might want forever, but she doesn’t. Not with me.” He wasn’t anything like her husband, and he didn’t want to be. He wasn’t ever going to be a forever guy, and if her past actions indicated anything... She was a forever type of woman. “That was just old business. Needed to be taken care of. It had been deferred way too long. Believe me. She doesn’t want forever. She’s had that. You know how it is. You lose someone... Nothing is ever the same again.”

Boone got a faraway look in his eye. “Yeah. I know that.” He cleared his throat. “I also know sometimes you...miss your chance with someone and regret it.”

He didn’t know what his brother was referencing, but it was clear something else was going on with Boone. And also that Boone didn’t want to go into detail about it, or he would have.

“It wasn’t about having a chance for me. It was just attraction.”

“Whatever. I hope you had a good night.”

“I fucking did.”

“Good, then. As long as all involved were satisfied, I assume the day will go off without a hitch.”

“It’s not my day. It’s Chance’s.”

“True. True.”

And he kept that in mind as they assembled for the wedding. Kept it firmly in mind when the bridesmaids showed up. Kept it firmly in mind when Shelby, wearing a red dress that scooped low and showed off her stunning breasts, came to stand near him, because they would be walking down the aisle together.

“Hope you slept well,” he said.

“Just fine.”

“Did they notice you were gone?”

“When was I gone?” She looked at him with unfathomable dark eyes.

“Guess you weren’t.”

That was how they were going to play it. Like it hadn’t happened. Even though they both knew it had. Even though he had a feeling they were both replaying scenes of the night before as they stood there regarding each other.

“Yeah. I know.”

They linked arms, and walked down the aisle, taking their place where the bride and groom would stand.

The wedding was beautiful. Went off without a hitch. And he was glad. He was glad for Chance. Because the man deserved some happiness.

And Boone was right. Unless Kit was willing to make changes—big changes—unless he was willing to abandon his entire life, he had to leave Shelby alone. He just did.

But it looked like Shelby was more than willing to leave him alone. At the reception she danced with just about everyone but him. A knot of jealousy formed in his stomach, but it should be gratitude. Gratitude for the fact that she knew what had happened between them was temporary.

He just wished it was more than once.

Maybe. But it wasn’t.

And when they saw Chance and Juniper off, away from the barn, away on their honeymoon, he should have felt glad. Grateful.

Because their little dance together was done. Because the families could go back to being about as distant as they’d ever been. They would see each other occasionally. But not all that often.
