Page 54 of Best Man Rancher

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Normally, he would be turning this into something a little bit more sensual. But for now... All he could think about was what he had just seen on the screen. All he could think about was the reality crashing in on him.

It looked so small and helpless. It was contained inside her body. There was nothing he could do. Nothing he could do to make sure that this went well. For him or for her.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said. “You can turn around now.”

She was dressed again. And she looked so vulnerable. He wanted...

He wanted to protect her from everything. And what an uncomfortable feeling that was.

Because he knew that he couldn’t. Because he knew that the world was cruel. Because he...

“Why don’t we go home,” he said. “You can take a rest. I’ll be back by tonight for dinner.”

And he realized that he’d saidhome, like it was theirs. But she didn’t correct him, so he didn’t bother to walk it back.

He didn’t want to. And when he dropped her back at her house and said goodbye to her, he marveled at the fact that his relationships usually centered on sex. This one... Well, sex had certainly played a part in it, but there was all this other stuff, and it made it so singular. Different. Unlike anything he had ever even imagined.

In that sense, he was almost glad that she put a moratorium on the physical. Because it had forced them to get to know one another. It had forced them to build this other thing.

And he wanted to keep on building it.

He didn’t know what that meant, or where it was headed.

But there was something about his plan that seemed unfocused now. It wasn’t about him anymore. It was about her.

And that was the strangest realization of all.
