Page 56 of Sinful Deed

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My eyes shoot to the man, then across to hers through the glass. “A while. You can take the biker on your own. Document the scene, bring him in. Run the case. If you want me to join in later, I’ll be free.”

“Alrighty.” Through the glass wall, Aubree jumps up and whips her coat from the back of her chair. Still, she holds the phone to her ear. “I’ll call you in a bit for the gossip about Lawrence.”

“Don’t bothe—”

“Don’t forget to ask for the homogenizers. We seriously need those.”

“Enough to forfeit your boots?”

She pauses on the other side of the glass. Her back ramrod straight, her eyes dangerously slit. “Hell no. What am I, a charity?”

“I look forward to receiving your report once you’re finished on scene, Doctor Emeri.”

Even though she continues to make a face through the glass, I lean forward to hang up the phone, then bringing my attention back to Lawrence, I set my hands in my lap and smile. “I apologize for that. We had another case come through, so—”

“You needn’t apologize for doing your job, Minka.” Glancing to his right as Aubree makes a show of putting her puffer jacket on, when she snags her phone and dashes toward the elevator, he brings his gaze back to me. “You need homogenizers?”

My eyes flicker closed. My stomach drops. My entire soul shrivels up, because he heard far too much.

“Sir, I…”

Have no way of defending myself.


Amused, his strong jaw only quivers with the ghost of humor. “Is she an asset to the George Stanley?”

“Aubree?” I cast my eyes across and watch her step into the elevator. “Yes. She’s proven to be quite brilliant, actually. Her presence here has ensured a smooth transition for me as chief while I learn a new team, a new building, and a new city. She’s better than Google when it comes to her job, and her professionalism while cutting is second to none. Unfortunately, her skill with a scalpel is offset by her need to blow off steam afterward.” Finally, I bring my gaze back to him. “In her case, blowing off steam means shopping for shoes and cataloging a man’s aesthetic appeal.”

“Is her cataloging system an issue inside this building, Doctor Mayet? Does she make anyone uncomfortable, or does her conduct in any way impede her work?”

Except for the time she slept on my couch in her underwear and stole my shirt?

“No, sir. She’s an asset to the George Stanley. Of that, I’m certain.”

“Good.” Relaxing back in his chair, he bounces his foot on his knee. “What else must we discuss before I take office?”

“I, uh…”Is this a test? “I’m not sure, sir. What do you mean?”

“You’d like a bigger budget, no? I heard that much through the glass door.”

“Well, to be completely honest, I’m not sure where our budget stands just yet. It’s the start of a new year,” I add when his forehead creases in thought. “Office gossip generally leans toward underpaid staff, but that same gossip mentions my predecessor’s inclination to fritter money on things that benefitted no one but herself. So are my staff underpaid because we have no money? Or are they underpaid because Chant spent it elsewhere?”

He considers me for a moment. “You could have simply demanded a bigger budget.”

“I could have. But it would be unprofessional of me to talk numbers without having looked at any. Is it possible we shelve this discussion for a month? Give me time to speak with administration and see where we’re at? My new position demands I devote time to the business side of the job, Mr. Lawrence, but this is new to me. I’d rather cut. So if you could give me a little time, I’ll catch up and see what Chant left behind. Once I have a clearer picture, I can talk with you in more detail.”

“Fair.” He steeples his fingers and rests the tips beneath his jaw. “We’ll shelve it. However, I’m yet to see you on screen, Doctor Mayet.” His smile curls a little higher. “I’ve been watching. Did you miss the part of your job description where you’re also to be the face of the George Stanley?”

“Uh…” Warmth fills my cheeks. “I’ve been in this office for a mere couple of weeks, and already, it would seem I have an adversary in the media. I’ll work harder on being available to them.”

“Don’t bother.” He waves me off. “I’m not much for that circus either, despite my former career demanding it. If your time is better spent working, then do so. Speak with your media liaison team and come up with a system that fulfills everyone’s needs in the least obtrusive way possible.”

“Sir?” My brows pinch closer. “Youdon’twant me to speak to the media?”

“I want you to run this building at peak performance, not direct a circus for the entertainment of the masses. If that means giving you a scalpel and an autopsy room, then so be it. Your assistant can take care of the rest.”

“My assi— I don’t have an assistant.”
