Page 57 of Sinful Deed

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He flattens his lips for a moment. “So the woman I’ve spoken with at least a half dozen times today? A Seraphina Lewis?”

“Oh!” I sit taller and gulp when the woman herself steps off the elevator and pins me with her eagle eyes.

She can’t possibly know we’re talking about her. She definitely can’t know I completely dismissed her existence only a moment ago. But she storms forward now and likely prepares to smack me with a stack of calendars.

“Yes. Seraphina. She’s proven to be quite helpful over the last two weeks.”

“That’s good too.” Unfolding his legs, Lawrence rests his elbows on his knees and peers into my eyes. “And since we’re both transplants from another city, Doctor Mayet, perhaps I’ll be considerate of the fact you may take a moment to get your footing, as long as you extend the same courtesy my way.”

“Of course, sir. I’ll go slow where slowness is needed.”

“Excellent.” Finally pushing up to stand, Justin fixes his coat button and waits in expectation as I stand too. “Today’s meeting was merely to make your acquaintance. My research turned up quite a lot about you, so it’s understandable I wanted to meet with you.”

“Sure.” I fix my blouse and smooth my pants. “And my limited research has shown you to be the astute professional in your work. Being the DA doesn’t come without its risks, but despite the smear campaigns in the media, I’m yet to find anything that sticks.”

I still my fussing hands and meet Justin’s hard stare. “I also found two daughters and two marriages. You’re a widower, Mr. Lawrence?”

“Mm.” He meets my eyes with electricity pulsing through his. “I do not consider your research an attack on my character, Doctor Mayet. Merely due diligence, considering your dealings with Tribble. I’ll have you know I was very much in love with my first wife. I was devoted to her and the family we made. But when it was her time to go, it was her time. For many years, her absence left a hole in our lives, until eventually, I met a woman, and with my now-grown daughters’ blessing, I married again. Janine makes me happy, Doctor, as do my new sons-in-law, and my sweet little granddaughter.”

He smiles now, but it’s a little colder. A little firmer. “You may look up my past, Doctor Mayet. And I won’t begrudge you for it. But I know for certain you’ll be satisfied with what you find.”

He’s not wrong.“I’ve been more than pleased with my findings, Mr. Lawrence. Though, I’ve been meaning to ask; did you request a meeting with the head ofeachcity building, or just me, considering my past with Tribble?”

“Most.” Amused by me, he rubs a hand along his stubbled jaw and comes a step closer. “I’m heading down to the police precinct next to meet Captain Bower and a few of his lieutenants. After that, I have more meetings.”

“Working hard to squeeze them all in before you’re sworn in?”

“Just doingmydue diligence before I take office and my schedule fills to bursting.”

“Probably deciding who to fire in your first quarter, too, huh?”

Caught, he only smirks and offers a hand in farewell. “Just taking stock of what assets I have to work with. Can’t fault a man for that.”

He wraps his hand around mine, and shaking once, twice, three times, the lines on his face wink when his lips curl. “I’m happy to have met you, Minka. I believe your experience and education will be a great asset to this city. And your ability to be professional while handling staff withdaddy issues,” his chest bounces while my face burns hotter, “was admirable for sure. The fact you do not wish to be a media clown speaks volumes, and although we both know each sector needs more wiggle room in the budget, the fact you didn’t dive in blindly and ask for money for the sake of asking indicates your integrity. It pleases me to know I have someone like you to count on.”

Releasing my hand, he backs up a step and moves around the visitor chair. “Will you be at my swearing in?”

My heart skips with nerves. “Do I have to be?”

Chuckling, he makes his way to the door and pauses. “Probably not. It would be a kind gesture, to show the people of Copeland City a united front. Plus, it’ll put to bed any rumors that a grudge remains between offices. But if you have to work instead, I’ll understand.”

Opening the door and stepping to the side to make room for Seraphina, he looks back at me and raises a brow. “Your assistant?”

“Allegedly.” I come around my desk and meet him by the door. “It was nice to meet you, Mr. Lawrence. If I can’t catch your ceremony in person, I’ll be sure to watch it on the news.”

“Television adds ten pounds, I’m sure of it. We’ll be in touch, Doctor Mayet. Anytime you need a discussion, I’ll be around.”

“Thanks. And you know where to find my assistant.”

Finally, I drag a genuine laugh from the man, who barks loud enough to make me jump.

“She’ll be the gatekeeper to your time. Noted.”

After he steps out and Seraphina walks with him—where were his dozen advisors and hype team?—all the way to the elevator, I turn and make my way to my floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city.

Our new mayor, I’m happy to confirm, is going to be a pleasant addition to Copeland. Where Tribble was a despicable human being who flaunted his disdain for most others, Lawrence has a track record of protecting the innocent. His conviction rate says he works hard, and his smearless reputation says he does it all with integrity.

Today’s meeting was as beneficial for him as it was for me. And now that it’s done, I like to believe we’re both walking away confident of where we’ll take the city.
