Page 68 of Sinful Deed

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What was my life before she stepped into it? Because I sure as fuck can’t recall.

“I was sending her to voicemail because I wanted to spend my time with you,” I try to explain. To calm my tone and defuse our standoff. “I’m not done figuring us out, Minka. And I’m not ready to let you be the victim and walk away.”

“Well, I’m not ready to be made to look stupid so soon.” She glances across to Miranda, who watches us with a grin I wish someone would remove. “Though I look forward to my television debut.Chief medical examiner, Minka Mayet, shares lover with the busty news superstar Miranda London.”

“Let’s discuss your roster, then.” I follow her when she attempts to walk away. “Let’s run through a list of your former lovers. Let me compare who I’ve shared you with.”

Her eyes narrow. “You’re being ridiculous.”

I choke out a quiet laugh. “Because they’re in the past, right? The men who’ve touched you before me. They’re in the past, right where they’ll fucking stay.”

“Uh huh.” Shaking her head, she takes a sharp left, leaving me behind and crossing the green when Aubree waves her closer.

What is typically a heavily shadowed park at night, except for the small circles of light under each streetlamp, is now a space lit up like Madison Square Garden in the winter. Where Minka should be passing through the dark, under trees and around benches where the homeless often sleep at night, I get to watch her every step until she meets up with her colleague and goes back to work.

“Arch?” Fletcher steps up on my left and drags me around. “Mrs. Monroe has agreed to speak to McNamara. He can sketch out what she saw and maybe get us a little closer.”

“Yeah.” Rubbing a hand across my face, I exhale and shake off the sorrow that bites at my heart. Because I fell in love with a flight risk who begs for a reason to step away from us.

So fucking stupid of me.

And yet, I’m gonna keep coming back for more.

Until she agrees to commit to this too. Until she admits she’s in it with me.

Until she’s so addicted to what we are that she can’t walk away again.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.” I follow my partner and head back in the direction of our witness. “I’m fine.”

“She found out about London?”

I drop my hands into my pockets as we walk. “Yup. Went about as well as I expected.”
