Page 105 of Finding Home

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She smiles. “I doubt she just said thanks and moved in.”

I laugh at her uncanny prediction. “She reacted about the same way you did when I offered you money. It was loud, and I only caught every few words, but she screeched something about being an independent woman and not needing her kids to support her.”

“Ah, I knew I liked her,” she laughs. “Too bad she moved after you guys grew up. It’d be cool to see your childhood room, poke through your things, snoop at your Valentine’s cards.”

“She’d still have everything packed away in boxes somewhere. No Valentine’s cards, though – I wasn’t always this sexy.”

She snorts. “I’ve seen your pictures, Bobby. You had the girls lining up around the block for you.”

“But you’re the only one for me, baby.” I nuzzle her belly until she giggles. “I was an innocent until you came along and… fixed it.”

“An innocent?” She snickers. “You should’ve told me. I would’ve appreciated your virginity more. I would’ve been gentler.”

“I was embarrassed to tell you.”

She laughs and lowers herself to straddle my lap. Leaning in, she places kisses all over my face – my forehead, my eyelids, my nose, and my lips. On the last one, I stick my tongue out and transform what was a chaste kiss into something more. Our mouths open and her arms squeeze tighter around my neck. She grinds her core down onto my already hard dick, and we both sigh at the contact.

Grabbing her by the ass, I flip us over so she’s laying on her back, then trailing my lips along her chest and over her belly, I go in search of the place that I know tastes of pure sweet heaven.
