Page 18 of Finding Home

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Michael bravely steps into our space. “He just came over and shoved Jack,” he whines. “I don’t know what his damn problem is, we were just walking. We didn’t say shit to him.”

I turn to give the whiny prick a piece of my mind, but Kit steamrolls right over me. “Don’t swear, Michael. And stop whining. You’re fifteen, not five.”

She looks to Aiden for answers. “What the hell is going on?”

“You’re Kit, from the club?”

“Yeah.” She pushes loose tendrils of hair behind her ear. “I forget your name, I’m sorry.”


She nods as though she’s filing the information away. “So, you wanna tell me what’s going on?”

“Ah, well, I’m not entirely sure, to be honest …” He looks to me with a lifted brow, which sends my stomach plummeting.

Shit, I was the instigator here. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“Well, ah…” Shit. There’s no way I can make this sound good. “I wasn’t sure who these guys were. But I realized they were the ones who upset you the other night… I’ve been wanting to get in contact with you, but Tink isn’t giving, so… I wanted answers.”

This is the point I realize how lame I sound.

Her soft eyes turn glacial. Then her voice confirms it. “So you decided to start pushing a kid around?” I don’t know if she actually wants an answer, but fortunately– unfortunately?– I don’t have to wonder for long. “Did he say anything to you? Backtalk?”

“Umm, no…”

“Did he say anything at all?”

“No…” I’m the one who can’t maintain eye contact now.

“Did he start anything with you? Did he shove you back?”

She cuts me down with every word. I may as well just step into this tidy little grave I dug for myself. “No, he didn’t.”

“So, three kids walk in, minding their own business, and you decide to start shoving?”


“Yes or no, Robert?”

Aiden rocks back on his heels and grins like a fool.

Shit,I’m in so much trouble. “Yes’m.”

“Does it make you feel tough when you push kids around?” She pokes my chest. “My brother isn’t gonna be an ego boost for you.”

Her… what? “Your kid brother?” I look up to find him with a dimple exactly like his sisters. Light eyes, just like hers, sparkle with glee at watching my verbal smackdown.

Well there it is, the noose is tied and I’m a goner. There’s no coming back from this.

She steps back from me without another word, grabs his arm and looks him over like a worried mother hen. I didn’t actually hurt the little fucker, and once she realizes that, she cools off. A tiny bit. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to train here, okay? We can go over to the other fight gym. Take our money there. Some members here seem to have…” She turns to me with a glare, “anger problems.”

I should be scared, but her evil eye is kind of endearing. Until she snaps, “You have something else you want to say to me?”

“Ah,” I clear my throat to buy time. “It’s just that… I’m not a member here. This is actually my gym. I’m part owner, and if he’s here for the eleven class, well…” I grin and point at my chest.

Kit drops her head in defeat. I’m sorry to be the cause of it, but before she can bail, Aiden grabs my arm and tugs me back. “Actually Kit, your brother’s welcome here, andI’mtaking that class today. Bobby’s finishing for the day.”

The fuck I am.
