Page 20 of Finding Home

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“Is there anything I can do to help? Or my boys?” I turn in my seat so our knees touch. “I mean, I can’t help with your work, I’m not really a numbers geek.”

Her dimples pop fleetingly at my teasing. “Um… There’s not much you can do.” She pauses for a moment. “Well actually, yeah, there is. Keep Jack in your classes. Teach him discipline, teach him respect. Don’t worry about exchanging fees for work.” Her eyes lock onto mine. “I mean, make him work, but I’ll pay the fees. In fact, whatever I spend here might be a good investment in his future. He might be a champion one day. Put his arrogance to good use.” She laughs under her breath. “And please don’t beat him up anymore. Maybe just let him spar with kids his own age, you can supervise from outside the ring.”

That’s an easy wish to fulfill. That’s my job and I’ll do it, but I still have so many questions. Why is she so involved with Jack? Why wouldshepay the fees? Where are her folks?

But instead of asking, I look in the direction the boys walked. “Jack’s a big dude. How old is he?”


That’s right. She already mentioned that when she was verbally setting me on fire. “He’s huge for his age. He could go toe to toe with any of my pros on size alone. When you’re not watching, maybe I can put him in the ring with Aiden, or even Jimmy.”

I’m joking, sort of – he really is big – but when her eyes flare with that fire, I laugh. This mother hen wouldn’t hesitate to rip my eyes out if I mess with Jack. That’s cool; I really like this assertive version of her.

I’m half tempted to get up and watch Jack train. I want to know if he’s a big uncoordinated mess, or if he can handle himself. But if I’m choosing between spending time with Kit, or watching her kid brother train, well, that’s a no brainer. I’m parking my ass and soaking up every second she gives me.

This is such a strange concept for me; never, in the history of ever, have I been so taken by a single girl. I’m not a commitment kinda guy. I’m too young for that, and there are too many beautiful women in this world, but one single night of dancing with a shy girl, one kiss, and I haven’t thought of another woman in three weeks.


I’m in trouble.

And yet, I’m smiling.
